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    Reborn City
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  1. A little bit into roleplaying, but have you guys ever claimed a place in Reborn City as your own, if so, which is it and share us why
  2. I recently got a breather after finishing episode 15 and I got a chance to go back to the city(thank god) after beating Ciel. After going through the Devon Corps building mission where "spoilers" happened, I figured it was a time to train my current Pokemon the right way(EV reset disks ftw!!!) and maybe add a few new guys into my arsenal while things are not as tense atm(or I may be wrong). I grabbed a Tynamo from the PC and got it a preferred nature under Pokemon Psychology's aid and boom, trained it as a multi-type mixed attacker Eelektross currently at level 40-ish to 50-ish until I came across a level 75 shiny Ampharos at Malchous forest and caught it without any second thoughts, lol. I researched a bit and got a hint that it was slow bulky special attacking electric that could have an option to mega evolve, except for the mega evolution part, it was similar to Eelektross. Could you guys share your thoughts, opinions, and maybe suggestions on this situation of mine?
  3. I found a second corrupted pokeball in the railnet underground, I've already acquired the ralts from the first one with a magnet powder, and now I'm curious what's this second one for? I tried talking to the dude who fixed the first one but he wouldn't do it anymore. also I can't seem to find anything about this in the forums.
  4. Why do you have an Espeon instead of a Jolteon in your trainer card signature? I know it's for extensive type coverage but haven't you thought of it -not having your favey mon in your representative lineup?
  5. You can also keep on soft-resetting the game while also hoping for a beneficial nature and preferable IV's with the Hidden Ability all at the same time. Reborn made things simpler for us
  6. Does this thread have rules? Okay here's the question: What happens if you use Earthquake on a Pokemon that has the Ability Levitate that is underground after using Dig? Given the one who used Earthquake doesn't have Mold Breaker? I know could try it out in the game for myself but I'm just wondering if you guys have thought about it.
  7. I'm also hoping for a Sneasel. I'd love some Sneasel for myself.
  8. I took me until White to find and catch a shiny. A shiny Purrloin. In Reborn I was surprised how common the shinies were relatively to official releases. I killed the first two accidentally, a Spinarak then a Rattatta, but I caught the next three ones Hoothoot, Oddish, and Scatterbug. I don't use any of the three. I've always wanted a shiny Zangoose
  9. Are you looking for Bug-Flying types specifically? If not then I would recommend Yanmega as mentioned before by the majority AND Durant(check this guy out, admittedly a personal favorite). About Durant: It's not all about the stats but this guy's is adequate I must say. Base stat of 109 in both ATT and SPD and 112 in DEF. This bug is a sturdy, speedy, physical sweeper. It has access to strong STAB moves X-Scissor and Iron Head, both decent enough having 80 power. It can also learn Dig to get rid of those pesky Fire types, which would be its only weakness. Cons: This guy can't handle much special attacks though. E.g. Thunderbolt, boom dead or almost, Surf? - same scenario. If you are looking for Bug-Flying types, then, trash all that and just go for a Timid/Modest Yanmega with Speed Boost ability.
  10. Technically, yes, secret bases serve no use and I have nothing against it not being implemented. Let's just hover around the concept of the secret base to brainstorm or maybe pick up some ideas that we can patch up its uselessness and come up with something with similarities but is relatively more useful.
  11. One of the little things I really enjoyed in the GEN III series are the implementation of player designed secret bases, where you have to use the Secret Power TM to gain access in the game's hidden immersive environments where you can setup your own home, -the indent in the walls, climbable trees, bla bla and stuff. Reborn as I've read was based from GEN III games, now I'm wondering if there will be a possibility of having the same concept implemented maybe in the next episodes. I kinda looked into this when I started Reborn. What are your thoughts guys?
  12. I love the sense of being 'legit' despite being a fan-made game. Plus it's really developing and developing more over time.
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