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About Stars

  • Birthday 07/05/1986

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  1. We don't do anything for Christmas, but I still got: - $25 from my grandma - $10 Gamestop gift card from my Secret Santa at work - Earthbound fan art and (I assume) homemade brownies from my Secret Santa at MonkeyPro - Chocolate and a Pizza Hut gift card of unknown value from one of my regular customers at work - Lots of holiday discounts on Steam =p And you're quite welcome, Ame. =)
  2. I voted 1v1 because then I might actually participate again.
  3. Huh, I had no idea Epiphany Gaming used to be Kobra's Realm. I had heard the name before but nothing more than that. =o So I guess that's where I first met you since I saw no mention of Cedar Woods in your tale. Also: [quote]And Ghaleon became FEleonLodist became Cyberian became Euphorian became Engel im Der Regen became AmethystStorm. O hai.[/quote] What about Euphorian and Dysphorian? =p
  4. I've got a question since we had been discussing Shadow Tag and non-Shadow Tag Shandera. In a similar vein, what about Telepathy Wobbuffet? Would that be allowed in lower tiers, or are we going to leave all varieties of Wobbuffet in Uber?
  5. I thought I talked you into joined MP after Poke-Place was started. Didn't you go to WOA first?
  6. Stars


    [quote name='mashew' post='7956' date='Dec 15 2010, 12:07 AM']Are you saying you DONT want an acid spitting mini llama that fits in your hand?!?!??![/quote] Did I say that? So...when can I pick mine up?
  7. Stars


    How did llamas get involved in this?
  8. I don't really have a story, per se, but I could enumerate the causal steps that led me here. I met my friend DJ Lumberjack in Kindergarten. (You can all blame him for me being here~) He got Earthbound as a Christmas gift one year, and we both fell in love with it. We discovered the Earthbound fan site Starmen.net. I downloaded an EB fan game made with RPG Maker 2000 from said site (can't remember the name of it, and it's not there anymore). I got interested in RM2K and found GamingW.net while looking for tutorials and resources. I downloaded a game called Sunset Over Imdahl from GW. After finishing SOI, the game informed me of a contest held by its creator, so I joined the Alternative Gamemaking forum to enter the contest. AG died after a while, but one of the members (Ruby Angel) introduced me to her friend's forum, Cedar Woods. Cedar Woods died about as many times as Poke-Place has, so I spread to various other forums, mostly spending time at Epiphany Gaming. EG eventually died, and many of its members got absorbed into Monkey Productions. Somewhere in the mess of Cedar Woods, Epiphany Gaming, and MonkeyPro, I met Ame (Cyberian at the time). Around the time Pokemon Diamond and Pearl came out, Ame told me about his then-unnamed Pokemon forum, and I joined up. Right before the forum died (the first time), one of us came up with the name Poke Place (I think it was me, but I'm not 100% certain). Poke-Place died. Ame found a new server and started it back up. Poke-Place Reborn died. Ame found a new server and started it back up. Poke-Place Re-Reborn died. Ame found a new server and started it back up. Poke-Place [Reborn] died. I made Ame a Poke-Place sub-forum at MonkeyPro when HGSS was announced. Ame found a new server and started it back up for real again. Here we are today at Poke-Place [[Reborn]]. ???? Profit
  9. No surprises with the top two, I see.
  10. My older bro had a beard at 15. Not very thick, mind, but full none the less. =p I know I never say much here, but I always enjoy seeing your updates.
  11. [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v359/StarstormVGN/Pokemon/Pokemen_are_not_Attractive_by_Coelasquid.jpg[/img] [quote name='"Pokemen are not Attractive"']Inspired by that community where they draw human versions of Pokemon. There's some cool stuff in there, but way too many generic-anime-bishie-with-ears-tacked-on type stuff. My favourite Pokemon would make ugly-ass humans, thanks. If you can't tell what they're supposed to be, I didn't do a very good job.[/quote] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v359/StarstormVGN/Pokemon/Buy_some_potteries_by_Coelasquid.jpg[/img] [quote name='"Buy some potteries"']Yeah, I caved, I'mma join that Pokédex group and draw non-generic-pretty-anime-people pokéfolk. He's an Arbok. Something glamourous about a big purple cobra, but at the same time.... it's a freaking giant snake. Gotta make him look at least a little sneaky and serpentine. I think I ended up with something halfway between Dhalsim and Xerxes.[/quote] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v359/StarstormVGN/Pokemon/Who__s_that_Pokeyman__by_Coelasquid.jpg[/img] [quote name='"Who's that Pokeyman?"']Maha. Go on, guess. I'd like to think they should be easy.[/quote]
  12. [s]Stareon[/s] I'm tempted to say Starmie, but it wouldn't feel right for me to pick anything other than Eevee.
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