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Everything posted by Stars

  1. It's been forever since I last tried the game, but can't you save multiple decks?
  2. Respect the hippo. But yeah, that's pretty much what will happen, I think. =p
  3. I've added things to both sides of my lists. Since I was bored and organized my PC boxes by pokemon number (), I noticed that there are some that I have credit for but don't actually possess, and that just won't do. Some of the missing pokes are now listed at the top of my first post. Also, now offering a Master Ball or two.
  4. Stars


    Wasn't sure where to put this since there's no suggestion forum. Are we only able to send/receive a certain number of PMs per day? I just replied to one from Ice, then tried to send another, but I was told that I couldn't send any more until tomorrow. Since I can't say it by PM: I'm not on AIM right now because I'm about to eat lunch and go out for a while. (And I'm not usually on AIM this early in the day anyway. =p)
  5. I'm looking for a Dragonite that knows Heal Bell. The only legit way to get one is from XD: Gale of Darkness, though I'm not particularly choosy about its authenticity. A Careful nature would be awesome, but any other -Sp.Atk nature (Adamant, Impish, Jolly) or neutral nature (Bashful, Docile, Hardy, Quirky, Serious) is acceptable. For trade, I'm offering anything from [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/index.php?showtopic=50"]my other topic[/url] (probably more than one item or pokemon, especially if the Dragonite is Careful).
  6. [url="http://www.deviantart.com/#/d2rl2mm"]dA pic of the newest pokemon[/url]
  7. As stated elsewhere, my pokedex is now complete (yay~). However, there are a number of things I'm looking for mostly for the sake of completionism, but also for any future teams I may decide to train. For trade, I can breed just about anything and might be willing to breed some egg moves for some of these. I'll also list some items and other things that I have extras of. [b]Looking For[/b] Pokemon: Lapras Qwilfish Stantler Zangoose Lunatone Solrock Gorebyss Dittos with the following natures: Bashful Brave Calm Gentle Hardy Lonely Mild Naive Naughty Quiet Quirky Rash Sassy Serious Technical Machines: TM51 Roost (x2) TM59 Dragon Pulse TM61 Will-O-Wisp TM64 Explosion TM71 Stone Edge TM72 Avalanche TM73 Thunder Wave TM76 Stealth Rock TM78 Captivate Berries: 27 Cornn 28 Magost 53 Liechi 54 Ganlon 55 Salac 56 Petaya 57 Apicot 58 Lansat 59 Starf 60 Enigma 61 Micle 62 Cutsap Items: Reaper Cloth Dubious Disk Magmarizer DeepSeaScale Dawn Stone Dusk Stone Shiny Stone Red Shard (x6) * * * * * [b]For Trade[/b] Pokemon bred with any of the following natures: Adamant Bold Careful Docile Hasty Impish Jolly Lax Modest Relaxed Timid Specific pokemon: Male Squirtle (Ice Beam, Water Pulse) Male Machop (Ice Punch) Male Koffing (Pain Split, Will-O-Wisp, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball) Kangaskhan (Hammer Arm, Return, Earthquake) Male Horsea (Brine) Male Eevee (Yawn, Facade) Male Eevee (Wish, Curse, Shadow Ball) Male Snorlax (Substitute, Water Pulse, Focus Punch) Male Snorlax (Substitute, Focus Punch) Male Marill (Aqua Jet, Substitute, Focus Punch) Male Elekid (Cross Chop, Ice Punch) Male Riolu (Earthquake) Ditto (Modest nature) Items: Master Ball Lucky Egg King's Rock Dragon Scale Metal Coat Up-Grade Everstone Heart Scale Macho Brace Icicle Plate Fist Plate Draco Plate Heat Rock Smooth Rock Icy Rock Technical Machines: Any of the first 50 Berries: Any "super effective" berry Jaboca Berry Services: I for those who only have HGSS, I can perform DPPt-specific tasks like evolving Glaceon, Leafeon, and Magnezone at their respective locations.
  8. [quote name='AmethystStorm' post='158' date='Jun 11 2010, 11:32 AM']Shimama- I like this one. I hope it doesn't stay pure Electric though. All I can say is that this generation better have some badass evolutions for these guys.[/quote] Here's hoping for the Dark/Electric that Luxray should have been.
  9. [spoiler]That bothered me for a while as well. You have to get some Tea from...an old lady in Celedon, maybe?[/spoiler]
  10. Chiramii - Kinda neat but way too plain for my liking. Yay for Technician? Munna - Mmmeh. Gear - Looks like two Bronzors fused together (Weezing, anyone?). Not sure what to think of this one. Mamepato - Looks too much like Starly. Hihidaruma - Could be interesting. Yay new fire type, I suppose. Shimama - I can dig it. Yay Motor Drive. Not so sure about that Wild Bolt thing though. Meguroko - Probably my favorite of the new ones in this update. I like the STAB combination and the new ability.
  11. Actually, I'm tempted to finally go buy HeartGold now. Thing is...I've bought three other games in the last month or so that have either barely been played or are still in their shrink wrap, so buying another game now would just make me feel guilty for overspending.
  12. Just finished reading the Gen 1 part of the manga a little while ago. Added it to my "might eventually buy" list. Because I'm a nerd.
  13. Finally have all 493!!!!! *runs off to find out how to get the other stars on the trainer card* EDIT: Hmm.........I have no one to do capture the flag with (that has to be local wireless, right?), so I think I might finally bother with the contests sometime soon. Also need to go play the battle tower a whole bunch.
  14. [quote name='Hyperlisk' post='139' date='Jun 9 2010, 02:36 PM']50% is a huge step up from 0%. But trust me, I know the effects of chance I still have like 5 boxes full of baby Absol from breeding for the tourney.[/quote] Well, 50% up from 16.5%, really. But yeah, still fairly significant. [quote name='Monkeydog' post='141' date='Jun 9 2010, 09:19 PM']MORE THAN ONE SAVE FILE. That would be very nice.[/quote] Agreed. Even just one additional file would be nice.
  15. The Everstone thing [i]usually[/i] works for me, but now and then I encounter the same problem you were having where it seems to do nothing...
  16. Well, that is an improvement, I suppose, but you still have to find parents with good IVs in the stats you want to pass to a new pokemon. Still, progress is progress.
  17. I remember Ashen or somebody making a topic like this in the last iteration of PokéPlace. Use this topic to talk about what you've been doing recently in any of the games. I just got through the Elite 4 in Emerald this afternoon and became the Champion. Now I've finally been able to migrate the Regis over to Diamond (I was using Regice to fight the E4). At present, I'm preparing to go catch Regigigas, which will bring my Dex up to 492~ After that, I just need to go catch and migrate Kyogre from Emerald. EDIT: 492~! Next I suppose I'll either go after the weather trio in Emerald or the Diamond legendaries that I have credit for but never actually caught (lake trio, Cresselia, and Heatran).
  18. [quote name='Vicious Parker' post='126' date='Jun 7 2010, 11:51 PM']Oh, and as someone said at monkeypro, no more damned HM moves.[/quote] Very much this. And going along with what you said about EVs, having an easier way to influence IVs would be nice. Even I can't stand breeding for IVs the way they are now...
  19. Stars


    It's like how Granbull is considered cute according to its Dex entry. The world may never know. I dunno. Like Jody once said about Koffing, it always looks happy, I suppose.
  20. [s]Perhaps I just wasn't in a mathy mood as I read that, but...I found it only mildly interesting, and I don't see how any of those are really problems. I don't think overkill is an issue since you want your attackers to do as much damage as possible since they are not by any means guaranteed to OHKO and 2HKO everything on the other team, especially when "walls" are involved. In the "problem of speed" subsection, she seems to be complaining that they don't let you have enough EVs to max all of your stats, but if you could, there'd be no point to them.[/s] Hmm, I seem to have been misunderstanding the purpose of this a bit as I wrote the above sentences. Still, I don't see how it affects anything. I'd comment on it more, but my head hurts right now.
  21. I think everybody has mine, but I'll post it just to be safe. Stars (Diamond): 3995 7532 4253
  22. As I mentioned to Cy over AIM at some point, they should have a new pokemon that functions similar to Eevee. As he pointed out to me a long time ago, Eevee evolves into any of the (previously) special types. This new one would evolve into any of the (previously) physical types, including a Normal evo via level up for the sake of completeness. =p
  23. One of my favorites that I found through YouTube rather than Smogon is to use Baton Pass to pass some Attack boosts to an Azumarill that knows Aqua Jet. It's Huge Power ability will effectively double those boosts, allowing it to murder anything that doesn't resist Water.
  24. I think you've got just about everything important except for Egg Moves.
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