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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by daigotsurezan

  1. I am getting the following response from the forum: Sorry, there is a problem The page you are trying to access is not available for your account. Error code: 2C171/1 According to my profile I shouldn't have any restrictions on my account here. I submitted a query to the forum admins and haven't heard back.
  2. For some reason I am unable to follow the link to that save file.
  3. In Darchlight cave, when I reach the elevator, Flora instantly leaves my party to stand in the elevator and I can't interact with her to proceed. game.rxdata
  4. I'm a little surprised no one has mentioned Mimikyu yet. This is gonna sound insane, but hear me out: Mimikyu Adamant Nature / Disguise Held Item: Normalium Z Moves: Shadow Sneak / Play Rough / Wood Hammer / SPLASH (that is not a typo). So as you know, Z-Moves aren't just for attacking! You can use a Z-Crystal with a relevant status move to produce stat changes, heal a Pokemon, and a few other miscellaneous results. What you might not know is, Z-Splash gives +3 levels of attack boost. So, 1.5 Swords Dances. Thanks to Disguise, Mimikyu is guaranteed to survive for one round of setup. Mimikyu's above-average 96 speed will let it get the drop on a number of enemies with Play Rough or Wood Hammer, and if speed is essential, you have Shadow Sneak to get the priority attack in. Mimikyu's 90 attack isn't amazing on its own, but with +3 Attack it gets a lot scarier. Probably not the absolutely strongest use of a team member, but certainly a memorable one! (A similar build is possible with Tsareena, using Queenly Majesty and Trop Kick/High Jump Kick/U-Turn, but you lack the guaranteed setup of Disguise and lose some speed. Also, Mimikyu is way more hilarious.)
  5. Nintendo has to take legal action to preserve their copyrights and trademarks. Those intellectual properties that we love are what keeps them in business, and the law is set up in such a way that "allowing" people to do this kind of thing will invalidate your ownership of the IP. Compare it to that private WoW server that Blizzard had shut down not that long ago, Nostalrius. Blizzard had known about this server (and dozens like it) for a long time, but it wasn't worth paying the attorney to do the paperwork to shut it down. However, once a project hits a certain size or popularity you can't claim ignorance anymore, and IP law requires a very vigorous and active defense of your copyrights and trademarks. So they had to send the C&D and knock the server out. In a way I think Nintendo was trying to be gentle with Uranium, first talking to the file hosts about removing download links (and ultimately they didn't need to go further). They could have gone the C&D route but chose not to. This way, Uranium gets to survive in a small way while Nintendo can point to their actions as defense of their IP in court if they need to.
  6. Search the forum for how to locate backup copies of your save file and try one of those instead. You might lose some progress but you shouldn't lose everything. Also be aware that many maps changed in Version 8 so you might end up in a wall when loading an old save. Try to open the saved file in Version 7 first and move to a safe spot (again, search the forum to find out where the safe spots are).
  7. You're right, those are crazy common weaknesses. But at the same time, Blaziken has FOUR weaknesses (Ground/Psychic/Flying/Water), and while none of them are 4x he's still considered an extremely strong Pokemon. The Alola Sandshrew probably doesn't have the stats or movepool (and certainly not the Ability) to put it on the same level as Blaziken, but it could prove a very interesting and valuable team member depending on the details.
  8. Don't see how the Masuda method can apply to games with only a single region, and I'm pretty sure they are not included in Reborn.
  9. Personally I hope not, outside of perhaps a Battle Maison style postgame area. That field in particular was nightmarish on my runthrough, and I am NOT eager to see it again. Then again, Terra is still there so I would place my bets on "yes we'll see it again."
  10. Magnemite is available to catch within Shade's gym. Even if you don't use it against him, it's PHENOMENAL for the rest of the game. You won't be able to evolve it into Magnezone just yet but Magneton is still a beast. I also like AndSoThereIsSt3ffo's suggestion to look into Mightyena. He might not be able to sweep but he can take down at least 2-3 of Shade's mons. For reference, http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16407 is a list of all the available Pokemon, if you're looking for a specific Pokemon.
  11. I've never worried too much about IVs, and while I might have reset these IVs under other circumstances, I can't let a shiny get away. I was originally going for an Axew or Ralts, but then this guy appeared.
  12. Well in my opinion, you can probably go ahead and use it on two conditions. A) There is a Mystery Egg (might be a few different Pokemon, determined randomly at the start of your game) available back in the Jasper Ward for completing a sidequest. If you haven't gotten this egg, I recommend you go back and try to follow up on the sidequest so you can grab it; many of the potential Pokemon aren't available elsewhere, and one of them needs a Shiny Stone as well. If you get that one, you may want to consider which one you want to use. Make sure if you DO choose to evolve Roselia that she's learned all the moves you want, because Roserade doesn't learn any additional moves from leveling up.
  13. Especially considering it has interactions with multiple Field Effects that you can manipulate to your advantage.
  14. Ah, yes, there's my confusion. Hopefully the coloration for Rejuv looks better on Torterra.
  15. Magical Leaf is a great Technician move, but I think most Roserade builds aren't using Technician (because HA are rare outside of Reborn/Rejuv). If you have the TMs and some Heart Scales to spare, you can get a decent moveset going on a Technician Roserade. I would go with Magical Leaf/Sludge Bomb/Weather Ball/4th Move (check your Hidden Power, if it's not useful go for Giga Drain off the Move Tutor).
  16. Well you sure beat me in terms of stats, but yeah that's not the prettiest color scheme. Did they change the shiny sprite for the Turtwig line again? because I thought I remembered seeing an orange coloration sprite for them...
  17. So with some of the DRAMATIC changes in Version 8, I have once again decided to start over and see how everything has changed. I was going for a randomized starter, hoping to see an Axew or similar, and then this fella popped out. Needless to say, he and I will be storming the Aevium League together...
  18. I share your distaste for recoil, but Flare Blitz on Arcanine is SUCH a potent move that I would urge you to give it a chance. You'll have to use a few more potions on him but you'll be blowing dudes away like you wouldn't believe.
  19. You'll reach 7th street in the course of gameplay; it's a hidden part of Lapis Ward. If you haven't been there yet, don't worry, it's coming.
  20. I MUCH prefer to get a Bidoof WITH Moody, because as unpredictable as it is it can be a major cheese for difficult fights. 6x Evasion means you probably win.
  21. Ah that's my problem, I did the help requests but I havent' faced Amber yet. Thank you!
  22. OK I give up. I've followed the hints and guides as best I can, but I cannot find the Odd Key. I know it's in the gym, and has something to do with the statue, but narcissa won't let me look at it and I can't figure out how people are getting to her room when she's not there. I beat her gym a long time ago, and I'm just coming back through with new HMs/TMs looking for stuff. What am I missing?!
  23. I agree with your assessment regarding Unfeazant; it's a decent Pokemon but soon enough it'll start being outclassed. Emolga too, but that should last you a bit longer given the power of Acrobatics. Did you complete the Jasper/Beryl police sidequest in its entirety and obtain the Mystery Egg? And if so, what did you get? Those Pokemon are often quite strong and worth putting on the team.
  24. This is correct. He will show up on 7th Street if you missed the event and be available there.
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