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Everything posted by daigotsurezan

  1. Hear me out: Shiftry (Timid, Pickpocket, Grass Gem) Nature Power Leaf Tornado Foul Play Nasty Plot Shiftry's Nature Power will convert to Moonblast, which is also boosted by the field. Normally we'd use Dark Pulse, but since that's totally nerfed by the field, Foul Play's ability to use the opponent's Attack stat is pretty strong. Get a Nasty Plot or two off and you'll hit like a leafy truck.
  2. I dunno if you're aware, but Ame has made a LOT of changes in previous editions to increase the difficulty of the game (and quite a few to make it easier), depending on the difficulty curve. For example, at one point you could acquire Magikarp very early in the game. Which meant that right around the second Gym you could have Gyarados, and he would rampage across most of the game like the dragon he is. Unless you already had one from those editions long ago, Magikarp is no longer accessible as of Episode 15 (and in fact requires a game-long sidequest to unlock in the future). At the same time, several Gym Leaders have been toned down for presenting TOO much of a challenge for their place in the story (you think Charlotte is hard now? Apparently she was MUCH worse). So balance is always a factor that Ame's looking at. As for grabbing MooMoo Milk with Oran Berries, it's only slightly more powerful than Berry Ice Cream, and has been available for a while, so I don't think it's going to get nerfed anytime soon. You can already grind infinite cash given enough time thanks to the Grand Hall Trainers/Indra the Clown, so it's not that much of a limiting factor.
  3. All starters will eventually be available in the later stages of the game; as of the current release, Torchic and Chimchar can only be found as starters. You can't get both on your team right now. But as a note, Blaziken is damn near OP, so you should be fine with a Torchic starter. The Water-type gym leader isn't even available yet.
  4. No love for El? He's got a Ditto that can mimic Pokemon it's never even seen before, much less be opposing battle! Also, he's got an epic case of religious zeal. Can't wait to see how horrifying our next encounter with him is.
  5. Kricketune. Never has an early-game Bug type proved so amazingly honed to rock the early game. Sure, it's less potent against Cain (who resists Fury Cutter) and Julia (who can blast it out of the sky too easily), but it eats anything that doesn't resist bug (or outspeed it) for breakfast. In the more long-term, Cacturne (for my main run) or Pinsir (for my mono-Bug run). Cacturne came with Water Absorb and learned great moves like Cotton Spore/Needle Arm and Sucker Punch. He's got a few common weaknesses like Flying, Fire and Fighting (and a HUGE weakness to Bug), but he pulls his own weight on the team. Pinsir's moveset is surprisingly dominated by Fighting moves, but he does learn the staple X-Scissor and gave my team an additional coverage element against Rock and Dark types (the form in particular was sorely needed). With Swords Dance and the surprisingly useful Storm Throw (which I'd never even HEARD of before Pinsir learned it), he can carve through any amount of Barriers or Reflects. And Pinsir is only going to get nastier with I can finally replace his held Black Belt with Pinsirite...
  6. That's a decently balanced team. Is this the doubles fight with Aya as your partner that you're talking about, in the mountains? if you need to train, just wander around the caves or outside and thrash everything with impunity while holding the Lucky Egg; you'll get 3k+ Xp most battles. Also, a favorite tactice of mine is to only kill one of a doubles team at time; if you take down all of Eclipse's Pokemon, then Aster is stuck 2v1 the rest of the match. Look at their teams here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19231, and whichever "side" is weaker to your team, kill them first so you have less to deal with. Magmortar is much easier to deal with than Magmortar AND Electivire!
  7. Thanks to everyone for the help; I've made it all the way to Calcenon. Wish me luck as all my precious Pokemon burn to death...
  8. Oh crap, I forgot Rain Dance. Oh well, I'll probably find a way through Charlotte. I could not for the life of me get a fossil to drop for Armaldo, or I'd have him in my backup instead of Crustle. Masquerain DOES have water attacks, but it can't really make good use of them. Venomoth fills much the same role as Butterfree, but a bit tankier, Volbeat/Illumise aren't really my style, and I will probably eventually retrain Volcarona for Hurricane (because QD/Hurricane is hilarious). the move tutor for Aqua Tail isn't in game yet or you bet I'd slap that on Scolipede. And yes, I too eagerly await the day that Scizor and Genesect can join my team.
  9. For reference, I won't be doing any episode-hopping; it cheapens the experience IMO. Vivillon isn't a bad idea, I have a Scatterbug sitting in my PC. I might try that if I have more problems. As far as the Dragon-types go, I have ideas but it's gonna depend on Saphira's openers (and if it's singles or doubles). If I can paralyze the lead and get some setup/Baton Pass action, I'll be alright. Or if Ame puts in Mega Evolution, I can get Mega Pinsir to soar to victory.
  10. Volcarona has Fiery Dance, which has a 50% chance to boost Special Attack and has a base 80 power. It's terrifying. I could also teach Yanmega Double Team, which is just cheesy. Ice Beam TM is not yet available in game, sadly, or I would probably find room in Galvantula's set for it (because it's great coverage and I have NOTHING to take on Dragon types). Escavalier is a slower version of Durant with access to Swords Dance; I'd rather just stick with the speedier Durant and take advantage of Hustle's attack boost. Besides, we all know he's just filling space until Ame lets me have Bug Lord Scizor.
  11. So, my mono-bug run has advanced itself to Agate Circus, and I decided to take a moment to get some opinions and rethink my team as I prepare for the future. Please note that I have JUST arrived at the Circus, so I will be exploring Route 2 and facing Samson soon. I COULD reload a save before the Point of No Return if I missed something essential, but I don't think I have. All questions or comments welcome. First, the main team (currently all level 59): Crustle (Hard Stone, Sturdy): Rock Slide/X-Scissor/Shell Smash/Stealth Rock. The newest addition to the team, Crustle is here to help handle Flying, Bug and Normal types, as well as set up Stealth Rock. It's my first time using one in any Pokemon game, and he's a tough dude so far. Galvantula (SilverPowder, Compoundeyes) Signal Beam/Discharge/Thunder Wave/Sticky Web. A Pokemon whose best moves are lock behind unavailable TMs (when can I has Thunder? ), Galvantula is still a standout member of the party. He's often able to outspeed the enemy and drop Thunder Wave, Sticky Web, and then spam offensive moves with impunity. He's especially helpful because he (and until recently Crustle) are my only real line of defense against Flying-types. Volcarona (Charcoal, Flame Body) Bug Buzz/Fiery Dance/Quiver Dance/Sunny Day. Sweet sweet Volcarona, you were worth all the "meh" that was Larvesta. If I can set up, I sweep anything that doesn't resist both Bug and Fire. Not much else to say. I will eventually swap out Sunny Day for Hurricane, if and when I get my hands on Rain Dance (because the other bugs will appreciate weaker Fire attacks). Leavanny (Rose Incense, Overcoat) Leaf Blade/X-Scissor/Shadow Claw/Swords Dance. A speedy little guy who has my best answer to Ghost-types and can also be a decent sweeper with a bit of setup time. My main answer to Water-types, given he can resist their moves as well. Scolipede (Black Sludge, Speed Boost) Poison Tail/Megahorn/Iron Defense/Baton Pass. A combination Baton Pass master/speed demon, Scolipede wins a spot on the current team due to his resistance to Fighting type moves. He'll pass off a bit of Speed and Defense to a sweeper for Samson to ensure I can get the first shot in. Desperately want Poison Jab to give him a little more power. Durant (Wide Lens, Hustle) Iron Head/X-Scissor/Dig/Crunch. Truck, hits like a. His moveset will improve a lot with future TMs and Tutors (oh how I want Superpower), but he can dish out damage to wide variety of types with this set. Will be utterly useless when I reach Charlotte. I also have a few backup Pokemon that I will keep on hand to play around with: Yanmega (Speed Boost) Will probably replace Crustle at least temporarily against Samson, since I can now level him up enough to get a decent moveset (I'm thinking Ancient Power/U-Turn/Aerial Slash/Bug Buzz). Shedinja (Wonder Guard) The ultimate cheese factor. If 2-3 of a Gym Leader or other difficult boss's Pokemon can't damage him, he comes in to mess with them for a while. His current moveset is Shadow Claw/Bug Bite/Dig/Double Team. When I can return to Reborn I will be breeding a new one replacing Dig with Swords Dance. Butterfree (Compoundeyes) Not the strongest Bug in my arsenal, but he does get access to Quiver Dance and Psychic, so has the potential to be a strong team member against Samson. Pinsir (Black Belt, Hyper Cutter) X-Scissor/Storm Throw/Rock Smash/Swords Dance Storm Throw has been a lifesaver move, letting me use its automatic critical hits with Swords Dance to sweep anything that doesn't resist Fighting. With the help of Scolipede to Baton Pass him some speed and maybe Defense, he's a total boss. Currently sitting out while I train up other mons like Crustle, because I don't expect to have enough time to set up on upcoming trainers.
  12. No kidding. If you happen to have a Pokemon who can learn Trick Room (nearly all Psychic-types, plus Misdreavus and the Porygon line) and you can get it off turn one, Rhyperior can Earthquake/Stone Edge her entire team into oblivion by itself. Just make sure you throw out a partner who's immune to Ground and you're all set.
  13. You're not wrong, Lunatone and Solrock share a very strong typing for Reborn, given the amount of fields they can abuse and their strengths against some of the stronger trainers like Charlotte and Ciel. Lunatone wins out simply because its Special movepool is better than Solrock's Physical movepool, and Lunatone can Rock Polish/Cosmic Power its way to victory.
  14. I don't recall seeing a lot of substitutes but in later gyms *coughserracough* a lot of Pokemon known Light Screen or Reflect, so piercing those can come in handy.
  15. You will be able to breed Pokemon to get both genders eventually, but I would go for Meowstic-M with Prankster, because as Shpee said, Prankster always has usefulness. Light Screen/Reflect, Thunder Wave, Misty Terrain, and a handful of other moves are/will be available, and you'll be able to simplify a few fights this way.
  16. Don't forget Kricketot. Soft reset until you get one that has Run Away and raise it to level 10. BOOM! Technician Kricketune who can abuse the unholy Fury Cutter for some time. He'll carve up anything weak or neutral to Bug like it's nothing. He doesn't last in usefulness, but as long as you keep the rest of your team leveled he'll be a strong tool in your arsenal for the early game.
  17. I believe he's asking about the Order of the Helix in 7th Street. They talk about Helix Fossil, Pidgeot and Farfetch'd, and he has all those but nothing is happening. I honestly don't know if they actually DO anything, or how it works.
  18. I haven't tested this myself but from what I've seen, when an event is changed in a new Episode the event flags are reset. You should be able to get Trapinch by redoing the trade.
  19. You can visit http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11523; even though it's not terribly active lately there are still folks who will help you execute a trade once you've agreed to the terms.
  20. The Pokedex in-game is known to be out of date and not 100% reliable. The forum thread, on the other hand, is a much better resource. I can't say with 100% certainty, but until I see proof otherwise I always go with the forum thread. Also, you could have posted this in that thread rather than make a whole new one, probably.
  21. So YOU'RE the one who took all my shiny luck. On my main playthrough which has also reached the end of E15, I've only found ONE shiny Pokemon. It was a Bidoof. It didn't even have good IVs. But enough of me whining, That's a very impressive team. I would consider leveling up that Sewaddle before E16 drops, because I've found Leavanny is a hand physical attacker with decent speed (Leaf Blade/X-Scissor for STAB and a wide variety of coverage moves or buffs like Swords Dance).
  22. It gets worse: a Flying Gem boosts Acrobatics BEFORE it checks for a held item, so you get the full boosted 110 power attack. It's practically unholy.
  23. HM slaves don't count. However you cannot use them in battle; they are only allowed to facilitate your movement through the game. If they had to share a type some runs (i.e. mono-Bug) would be impossible long-term, as no Bug types learn Surf. If you're doing a monotype run and you DO end up with your HM slave in battle (because a sudden boss wiped out everyone else), it should be weak enough to quickly die and cannot take actions which would let you win or advance in any way.
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