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Everything posted by daigotsurezan
If you did want to use Archeops, you can always use a hilarious combo like Leavanny and Entrainment to replace Defeatist with Overcoat. Probably not worth it, but it DOES make Archeops a lot better.
I'm afraid I don't understand your question. Pichu and Pikachu have always been different Pokemon, the same way every different stage of evolution is its own Pokemon. The reason their numbers aren't sequential is Pichu was available in Gen II, and its Pokedex number comes later. This is how it appears in the National Dex in every generation of Pokemon since Gold & Silver.
I'm doing a Bug-type run in Reborn, and it's surprisingly challenging given that anything with Fire, Rock or Flying that outspeeds you becomes an unstoppable force. It's an interesting challenge, but I don't know how it would do in Rejuvenation.
This sounds like a job for the Magnet Lord!
To be fair, Dragon-type moves ARE a pretty good trick. And Axew learns Dragon Rage, which is the BEST trick for an early-game Pokemon.
Just a note on the friendship evolutions: If you got all the department store stickers, I believe you can access the EV reducing berries in E15, which have the side effect of raising friendship. Throw twenty or so at most pokemon and BOOM! Besties and a new evolution.
The only alternative to raising the cap if you run out of room to advance the power level of new trainers and gyms is to go back to the beginning and shrink the various gaps (i.e. make the cap without any badges 15, and so on). If we're gonna hit 100 by the time we walk through the door to the Elite 4, then they're gonna struggle to have any edge on us whatsoever; and if we don't, we're gonna be stuck at the same level for multiple Gym Leaders as we finish the rest of the badges. For a game THIS long and intense, it would make sense to increase the level cap (as long as new moves aren't added and they're simply stat increases), and set everyone's level exactly the same when it comes to online battling. That way we can advance against increasingly difficult foes, but we'll won't have all that stat inflation messing up our metagame.
Playing Rejuvenation got me thinking about this topic, so I was hoping to get some stories from the community and some ideas for future playthroughs. What Pokemon takes a lot of effort and care to evovle and train properly in Reborn, but after all the pain and suffering is totally worth all the time you spent? in b4 magikarp Personally, I haven't run into one of these yet in Reborn, mainly because I'll bench the Pokemon until I have the badges and TMs to make use and simply grind them up to the right point. However, I am in the process of making the long grind on my mono-Bug run of leveling up a Larvesta; by the time she hits 59 she'll be an unstoppable force of fire and... loud buzzing sounds, I guess. So what if she's weak to Rock; my entire team is crippled by sharp rocks. I've heard that a few other Pokemon can fit this bill, like Metagross or Sylveon, but I haven't gotten them or used them yet. Particularly Metagross, because I get hives every time I think about the sheer insanity of trying to do the entire event and then battle the low capture rate on Beldum.
I want to add a personal favorite of mine to the list, Houndoom. They can be caught in the Magma Gang hideout in North Obsidia, and you get one automatically if you joined Team Magma. If you got lucky with the Lapis Mystery Egg and scored Larvesta, Volcarona is potentially a beastly sweeper with Quiver Dance. It's VERY vulnerable to Rock though, and Stealth Rock will eat it alive. Of course your best bet is "Restart your save file and pick Torchic so you end up with a Speed Boost Blaziken".
The thread you're talking about is only for Reborn save games (and incidentally can be found here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18256. I don't think there's an equivalent thread for Rejuvenation, but I'm sure someone around has the skills and knowledge to help out. Unfortunately, that someone isn't me.
There are not enough "NO"s in the English language for how I feel about that idea.
My understanding is that the event won't finish until after the Elite 4, and it will once again award Magikarp. But I could be wrong.
I would definitely go to the Grand Hall and level up a bit, because a few extra levels couldn't hurt. The first thing I would do is swap Vanillish for Sneasel. He doesn't get a good physical Ice move for a LONG time, but you can get Beat Up and Feint Attack, which will make quick work a lot of Shade's Pokemon. Remember that Charge Beam will transform the field into a Factory Field, which takes away the boost to Shade's ghost attacks. I'm assuming you have Meowstic-M given the status moves on it? I think beyond that a bit of leveling will get you back on track.
I'm curious why you think that was bad. I felt it was a little unneeded in Z/O but it DID serve a purpose, to allow the devs to make the game longer without compressing the leveling curve in any way. What was the real downside other than making leveling new mons slower? But I do agree that I would don't think things will go past level 100.
Team Showcase: Accepting Team-Building Advice
daigotsurezan replied to Kveykva's topic in Team Showcase
With a bit of backtracking you can pick up Houndour, Litleo, or Tepig, and get them up to Houndoom/Pyroar/Emboar, respectively. I've never used Pyroar, who is by most accounts a solid if unspectacular Pokemon. My recommendation would be Houndoom, because A) it's a reasonably fast Special attacker with a solid movepool (although you'll need the Dark Pulse TM before he can actually learn a special Dark move), including Nasty Plot to make a crazy Special sweeper, and Dark types are pretty strong against Psychic, and a Flash Fire Houndoom will prove VERY useful against a potentially tough Fire-type trainer later. Or, if you got very lucky with the Mystery Egg, Larvesta is worth all the effort to get the might Volcarona. Take a fresh Volcarona and a few Heart Scales to the nearest Move Relearner and suddenly you can Quiver Dance/Bug Buzz/Fiery Dance your way to victory over everything... except Rock, of course. -
It's just like FairFamily said. The "Episode 15" release includes all previous content, so you only need to download 15 to continue. For safety's sake, save inside a Pokemon Center so you will be certain not to bug out on any changed features. To install, Episode 15, simply download the file from the main part of the website. It unzips the same way as Episode 12 did. I usually unzip new versions into the same folder as the old one, so my desktop shortcuts are the same (just tell Windows to overwrite any duplicated files). All your save games are stored in a separate folder, so there is no danger of losing or damaging them while updating to the newest version.
I think your best six-man pirate team is as follows: Chatot Infernape Malamar Torterra Tentacruel (take your pick) Eelektross You can have a tremendous selection of backup Mons as well, ranging from Gyarados and Sharpedo to Gallade and Aegislash, depending on your interpretation of the term "pirate." The big problem you have with the above team is, per Epsiode 15, I don't think you can get either Infernape or Torterra outside of your starter, so that would need to be modified.
Episode 15 contains all the story content of previous episodes. There have been some mechanical changes as the game as progressed; for example, many Episodes ago it was possible to obtain a Magikarp very early on. Due to the awesome pwnage of Gyarados, this was removed and replaced with a giant sidequest, which is not yet completed, to obtain Magikarp. We probably won't see him until around or after the Elite 4. In addition, some TMs which were previously available have been removed and replaced with less potent ones (so you cannot obtain Shadow Ball in E14, unfortunately). I may be wrong about this next part, but I recall hearing that E16, the upcoming release, mostly consists of map rebuilds and updates (particularly of Reborn City), and although it does include not only a new part of the main story but also new updated sidequests, I believe it stops short of the next Gym. I could be wrong. There is an entire subforum dedicated to the next episode here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showforum=52 Be warned, however, that spoilers for E15 and some non-story spoilers (such as additions and changes to the mechanics of the game) may be found there.
One of my favorite things from other fangames that I would like to see in Reborn (although I would relegate it to the postgame, obviously) is the ability to change IVs on an existing Pokemon. I'm not skilled enough, or have enough free time, to do breeding, and I'd rather have an alternative in-game (say, a chance to win one IV change from a daily minigame, or cost a boatload of cash in the Department Store) to speedhacking to cut down on time spent.
I didn't see a review of Galvantula, so let me recommend this spidery guy for a B ranking:
I've just cleared Corey, so none of the three you have suggested are available yet. Rest assured, Yanmega and Durant will join my team as soon as they're available. (Heracross will probably replace Pinsir when I gain access to it, at least until we get Mega Evolutions and Mega Pinsir returns to wreck things with 200 power Flying Returns). Although I DO want to talk about Wormadam for a second. For the early stages of Reborn, it's a surprisingly durable and potent Pokemon. The thing soloed both instances of PULSE Tangrowth by virtue of resisting all its attacks and having access to Confusion (admittedly, it took a while because its offensive stats are garbage). The Steel typing was also super useful against Corey, negating fully half of his available moves and resisting many more. Its movepool is also, shockingly, better at this stage in the game than Forretress, who doesn't learn a Steel move until level 31. I will ABSOLUTELY be swapping her out with Durant the instant I can, but until then, she's a reasonably sturdy tank who can stall out anything but a Fire-type.
I never would have thought of that! Thanks aflordepiel!
So, having reached the end of Episode 15, I decided to try something a little different and do my very first monotype challenge. And seeing as the Bug type has some really cool Pokemon... and a lot of little underused boring ones, I decided to do Mono Bug. I've just entered the Jasper Ward, having rolled over the first two gyms without too much trouble. (Best part of mono Bug? Fern gets stomped on by a long string of Fury Cutters and Bug Bites). I'm a bit unsure of how I want to structure my team moving forward, as for the first time in this playthrough I've got seven decent-ish Bugs vying for space. My current party is as follows: Pinsir, Level 21 Hyper Cutter Vice Grip/Revenge/Focus Energy/Seismic Toss Wormadam (Trash Cloak), Level 21 Overcoat Bug Bite/Tackle/Protect/HP (Type currently unknown) Joltik, Level 21 Compoundeyes Bug Bite/Electroweb/Thunder Wave/Spider Web Whirlipede, Level 22 Speed Boost Poison Tail/Bug Bite/Rollout/Protect Butterfree, Level 23 Compoundeyes Confusion/Gust/Stun Spore/String Shot Kricketune, Level 23 Technician Fury Cutter/Cut/Sing/Focus Energy I am debating using a Sewaddle on my team, but I think I want to hold off on training him until after Corey (since it'll be useless against a Poison team). I will also be swapping out someone for Larvesta once I obtain the Mystery Egg. Most likely I will drop Wormadam from the party (Steel is a great type, but offensively she leaves a LOT to be desired), and the next to go is probably going to be Kricketune (Technician Fury Cutter his hard, but by that point it's too much of a one-trick pony). I'm loathe to drop Pinsir since in a few levels he will get Brick Break, giving me a Fighting-type move to help face off against any Rock or Steel types I face. I'm open to any suggestions, ideas, or comments. I have captured every Bug pokemon up to this point... except Dustox, because I can't make a WUrmple evolve into one to save my life, and Vespiquen, because female Combees don't exist. :/
I would be upset, but I would also laugh my behind off if Bennett busted out a perfect IV/fully EV trained Genesect during the Elite 4.
No, the answer is ALWAYS Fern. Unlikable jerk that he is... Speaking of Fern, I know that many of the Gym Leaders and major NPCs are based on real people, including Fern and Terra. I presume that most if not all of them are at least AWARE of their appearances in Reborn: do any of them follow the game and do they have any surprising opinions on their characterization (or fan reception)? Because I have a suspicion that if real!Fern is anything like Reborn!Fern, he's just laughing at all of us getting so mad at him...