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Everything posted by daigotsurezan

  1. I full agree with all these points, but I just wanted to add one little thing. The re-battleable clown in Agate Circus has a random team each time you talk to him themed around their color. Unlike the Grand Hall trainers, his team changes EVERY time, not just on a daily cycle. So you may find that one team is walling you pretty badly (like how my team cannot handle his freaking Dragonite), then reset and try again to see if you can beat him with a different team. All his Pokemon are level 65, he's packing Choice items, Life Orbs and Leftovers all around, and they have strong movesets. On the plus side, you ALSO get a random free shard for beating him on top of the delicious XP.
  2. Thank you very much for putting all that work into my file Commander, I appreciate it tremendously. With those 3 and the other available Bug-types I should be in good shape.
  3. I thought about it, because Scizor, but it's my understanding that getting Pokemon not currently available in game is frowned upon in this context. However, if I'm mistaken, omg Scyther plz.
  4. Hi there! I wanted to undertake a Bug monotype run, because I apparently don't have enough problems being good at this game. Is it possible for someone to replace my starter and set it so that the Police Officer's egg is a Larvesta? I honestly don't know what I would ask for as a starter, but I'm thinking some of the less common Bugs like Durant, Joltik, or Heracross. I'll take whatever you'll give me, though, and thanks for your time! Game.rxdata
  5. Thanks everyone for the advice and ideas. I haven't made any decisions yet, but it seems likely that I will be swapping Emolga out for Magneton (soon to be Magnezone, hopefully). As a side note, ssmbmfreak36, Crobat learns Acrobatics naturally, which I've always found to be worth forgoing a held item. I'm using one in my ORAS team right now (please note that I'm not good, at all), and with Poison Fang/Acrobatics/Bite/Defog (egg move), it's very useful for taking out glass cannons or clearing entry hazards before the enemy can cat.
  6. I'm looking to make some changes to my team, but I can't decide who to drop and who to add. I have just beaten Aya, and my mons are all around level 44 currently. My save game began in E16, so I have caught (or can easily catch) any mon available before Aya in E16. The following Pokemon are 'locked' to my team, I'm going to keep them unless I get some very good counter-arguments. I am open to ideas about movesets or Ability changes Cacturne [Water Absorb] (Needle Arm/Feint Attack/Spiky Shield/Sucker Punch) Meowstic-M [Prankster] (Psychic/Safeguard/Reflect/Light Screen) Infernape [iron Fist] (Mach Punch/Close Combat/Fire Pledge/Shadow Claws) Fire Pledge is getting relearned to Fire Punch as soon as I get the tutor unlocked, and Shadow Claws is probably becoming Thunder Punch) Diggersby [Huge Power] (Strength/Rock Smash/Dig/Bounce) Strength and Rock Smash are temporary, i'll be grabbing a bidoof as HM slave and retraining soon) These two Pokemon I'm on the fence about. Both are Flying-types and I prefer not to have type overlap on my team, so I'd like to swap one of them out. Emolga [Motor Drive] (Electro Ball/Nuzzle/Acrobatics/Roost) Swanna [Hydration] (Bubble Beam/Air Slash/Tailwind/Roost) I'm leaning towards ditching Swanna, since Emolga's Electro Ball/Nuzzle combination is quite strong and Acrobatics hits like a truck (both his Attack and Special Attack IVs are nearly 30). I am considering the following Pokemon as replacements, but I will consider your suggestions as well: Mawile (adds 2 types I don't currently have, but I'd struggle to retrain him to a more useful moveset) Scolipede (adds 2 types I don't have, Speed Boost makes him a huge threat) Crobat (I know I said I didn't want 2 flying types, but I love Crobat and his speed makes him a big threat) Magneton/Magnezone (if I replace Emolga, this keeps an Electric type and adds a Steel component to face off against Poison and Fair types). I appreciate any and all ideas, suggestions, questions, and criticisms!
  7. That must be it. I haven't read all the field effects for Rejuv, and I am currently in a cave field. Thanks!
  8. Hello, I haven't seen this mentioned elsewhere. I have started a brand-new save file as of 6.2, so I can be certain it's not any kind of patching/update issue. I have begun to use an Altaria (currently level 51) who has an inexplicable vulnerability to Earthquake and other Ground-type moves, despite being a Flying type.
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