I'm looking to make some changes to my team, but I can't decide who to drop and who to add. I have just beaten Aya, and my mons are all around level 44 currently. My save game began in E16, so I have caught (or can easily catch) any mon available before Aya in E16.
The following Pokemon are 'locked' to my team, I'm going to keep them unless I get some very good counter-arguments. I am open to ideas about movesets or Ability changes
Cacturne [Water Absorb] (Needle Arm/Feint Attack/Spiky Shield/Sucker Punch)
Meowstic-M [Prankster] (Psychic/Safeguard/Reflect/Light Screen)
Infernape [iron Fist] (Mach Punch/Close Combat/Fire Pledge/Shadow Claws) Fire Pledge is getting relearned to Fire Punch as soon as I get the tutor unlocked, and Shadow Claws is probably becoming Thunder Punch)
Diggersby [Huge Power] (Strength/Rock Smash/Dig/Bounce) Strength and Rock Smash are temporary, i'll be grabbing a bidoof as HM slave and retraining soon)
These two Pokemon I'm on the fence about. Both are Flying-types and I prefer not to have type overlap on my team, so I'd like to swap one of them out.
Emolga [Motor Drive] (Electro Ball/Nuzzle/Acrobatics/Roost)
Swanna [Hydration] (Bubble Beam/Air Slash/Tailwind/Roost)
I'm leaning towards ditching Swanna, since Emolga's Electro Ball/Nuzzle combination is quite strong and Acrobatics hits like a truck (both his Attack and Special Attack IVs are nearly 30).
I am considering the following Pokemon as replacements, but I will consider your suggestions as well:
Mawile (adds 2 types I don't currently have, but I'd struggle to retrain him to a more useful moveset)
Scolipede (adds 2 types I don't have, Speed Boost makes him a huge threat)
Crobat (I know I said I didn't want 2 flying types, but I love Crobat and his speed makes him a big threat)
Magneton/Magnezone (if I replace Emolga, this keeps an Electric type and adds a Steel component to face off against Poison and Fair types).
I appreciate any and all ideas, suggestions, questions, and criticisms!