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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by faktorio

  1. Sylveon, Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken, Horsea, Seadra i Kingdra:
  2. There was no Mamoswine on list: And, as I want to use it and found original sprite not very interesting, made my own albino-one:
  3. Just a couple of Bugs, please proceed further, no gatherings On my team through most of gameplay. It's third or fourth Durant that attacked me after I started to look for one on a decent level. stumbled upon accidentally ... and after (yester)day of softresetting, today morning in few rounds shiny joltik popped out will be a replacement for Durant on my team. PS. also have shiny Golem (SturdPlosion x] trololo) and Noivern (f i r s t Noibat that attacked me when I decided to grab it into my team and started seeking) on my party but they've been already posted. PSS Does anyone know if Ponyta we get from old-grumpy-lady-aqua-gang event is shiny by default, or is it luck i got one?
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