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About javier9627

  • Birthday 08/27/1996

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  1. No one is going to mention Dragon Rage? Charmander learns it early on the game. And the move is quite useful in early game, specially against the PULSE Tangrowths.
  2. Please be Fern, please be Fern
  3. That Infernape is probably going to die, just like all the others...
  4. It's probably meant that way, to annoy people
  5. You can also check this post to simplify breeding http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10935
  6. Looking really good, keep up with the good work
  7. Nice man, such an interesting concept and I guess pain in the ass
  8. With Exeggutor should I use Psyshock or Extrasensory, cause Exeggcute actually can learn Extrasensory. As for the Arcanine, I would rather use Heatmor. If I see that it's not working i'll use Arcanine. Thanks for the rest
  9. Hey guys i'm doing my second run, so I pretty much know most of the story and how to beat most of the fights. Despite that, this run is with randomly generated pokemon. I can use any of the following: Xatu, Samurott, Vespiquen, Roserade, Raticate, Mothim, Swalot, Beartic, Golurk, Heatmor, Exeggutor, Quagsire, Espeon, Kecleon, Delibird, Aurorus and Hawlucha. I just beaten Shelly and i'm starting to train evs and breed. Since Golurk can't be really be breeded easily I will use the totem pole one. So the only I have so far trained and ready to go is I'm also building that Vespiquen, but i'm unsure about the evs, I already gave the attack the 252, unsure about the rest. As for the others any recommendations?
  10. I haven't done any theme like run, I have done one run and i'm currently in my second run. But both have the characteristic that I used an randomizer like this one http://randompokemon.com/ In both runs I got three teams of pokemon without the legendaries and unobtainable. And the second without any of the pokemon of the first run. Just to try new pokemon, new strategies and stuff like that. Also nuzlockes, monotype and monogen runs are also usual.
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