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guy who doesn't post

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About guy who doesn't post

  • Birthday February 15

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    guy who doesn't post
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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^🍰

  2. Oh dang I somehow completely forgot that Brick Break was given out. That would actually be a godsend here. Thanks a bunch!
  3. Prior to Episode 17 I've had no trouble here but dear god the Aster and Eclipse battle in Route 3 is actually the most infuriating battle I've done. The battle would be completely manageable were it not for the fact that almost every Pokémon Aster and Eclipse has can and typically will oneshot all of Aya's team. Or, I get lucky and they single out my Pokémon. Aya's pre-17 team was a lot more managable in this fight, especially with new Pokémon like Salazzle and Lycanroc (despite being fitting for her team) never surviving more than a single turn and after every single attempt leaving me in a 1v2 situation. No amount of grinding and team readjustment has proven helpful, as the combination of Reflectscreen, Rock Slide conveniently flinching me, and the aforementioned 2v1 situation has consistently defeated me.
  4. Happy Birthday :D, i hope that you will have a great day ^^

  5. I knew it! Mr. Bigglesworth is actually the true leader of Team Meteor and wishes to destroy the world by turning everyone and everything into garbage! Then everyone will finally appreciate Garbodor and Trubbish! And he can get hugs! There. I spoiled the plot for everyone.
  6. TFW you're going to ask out the one girl you actually like then the most quiet person in the class asks her right before you and she says yes. Theeeen I found out she actually did like me. my luck is terribad
  7. http://i.imgur.com/BvbK9wx.png
  8. Alright, so after a few months of the poll being open, I can now safely say that the new types have been removed. While they arguably could help my game to stand out, they definitely were unbalanced and in my opinion the current meta works fine as is. But I've got quite a few things to make up for it. I haven't been able to make much progress on the game lately, yet I do have a couple of announcements. 1) Difficulty Modes have been fully implemented, courtesy of shiney570. While these use a base similar to that of BW2's, multiple different events ingame will be mildly affected by your choice. -Easy Mode is, well, easy. There are lower levels, and gym leaders and a lot of other bosses will only have a few Pokemon. -Normal Mode is a lot more streamlined. It's a little more in line with some of the older Pokemon games, and while the first couple of gyms will not have too many Pokemon, that number will increase over time. -Hard Mode is definitely not for the weak. Think of this as more Reborn-styled, (minus the field effects of course, poor little me) with important trainers making use of their six Pokemon slots, and the levels will be higher than usual. 2) There's also going to be another feature returning, and one that I'm definitely looking forward to. The Sinnoh Underground is returning. Obviously, not inherently from Sinnoh, but regardless, it's going to be expanded in more ways than one. This will take a bit, considering I'm not getting too much opportunity to work on the game. While I would be alright with having a team, I'm not even really sure what I could use help on, so for now I'll just try to work on this when I can.
  9. Don't you worry, your game sounds great. The semi-non-linear gameplay idea definitely sounds interesting and I'd love to see how it turns out. I'm not too amazing of a spriter by any means, but perhaps I could still be helpful? If you'd like, you can use some of my pre-existing Mega Evolutions and trainer sprites.
  10. I don't feel so great right now. But it could be worse, I suppose

    1. Bluewolf


      But it still could be better. Believe me I know the feeling. I hope things get better buddy :)

  11. In theory it may not be completely impossible. But it likely requires a massive amount of complex coding and the method mentioned above is (obviously) far quicker and far more effective.
  12. I'm pretty sure the only reason Gamejolt was targeted was because people who posted the fangames were getting ad revenue. So unless Ame's drowning in ad money, this site and most of the other sites with Pokemon fangames should be safe. Unless Nintendo decides to let me down...
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