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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by scotgaymer

  1. First off no idea why Adobe Acrobat Reader wants to open those files lol. It's not a PDF. Second. Not sure if it's a savegame corruption or a game files corruption. Whats it say on the error log file? Try renaming your game_2.rxdata file to game_2.rxdata.bak and rename your most recent backup Game_2 - Silver - 1296 (or whatever one has the most recent number) - (etc) ... .rxdata to Game_2.rxdata that'll change ur save file to the backup. That'll tell you if the save is corrupted or if its the game install itself that is borked. :) If it doesn't launch and gives the same/similar error then that says to me it's not the save file thats the issue. (might be worth testing more than one of the save backups just to be safe) In which case I'd recommend a fresh install. If it is the save game corrupted then one of those many thousands of backups you have should work :)
  2. That looks like its being denied write permissions when trying to install files to the folder. I noticed on my PC the folder is set to read only so might be worth taking it off read only and trying to update again. (It didn't cause an issue for me updating so I am not sure in all honesty but based on the error it's giving that seems l;ike the closest thing it could be?)
  3. Hi All. Decided to restart my rejuv game recently for fun and decided cos I earned AP pretty quickly (not even met Venam yet) buy some of the cards for the EV training rooms and go train. Specifically HP, Attack, and Defence. And I think I am finding some bugs with it? Maybe? HP EV training went fine for all 6 of my pokemon using the Power Weight. Attack Training went fine with the Power Bracer mostly though for some reason I can't max out EVs on two of my pokemon My starter (Fennekin) only goes as high as 232 and my pachirisu only goes up to 250. Not a huge deal but a bit weird. The big issue came when I got to defence training. I can't get any of my mons to gain Def EVs. At all. I spent a good half hour or so rotating the Power Belt around my pokemon and battling the Meltan and nothing moved on any of them. I thought maybe I was killing them too fast and needed to take hits or something so I spent time (another 30/45 mins or so) using non damaging moves with various mons and still nothing. Out of the EV training rooms I do seem to gain EVs for def with my mons during normal battles but just not in the training room specifically for it. So yeah. Not sure if theres a problem there or not. Thanks.
  4. Thanks guys. I had to reload and earlier save and do it again and it worked on the second go. :D
  5. HI folks. Think I am missing something here with getting Elygem. I am in the Hidden Library and I can see them. I've found all the books I think and went to the shelf, interacted with it to put the books on said shelf. And nothing happens. Elygem continues flapping back and forth instead of attacking me like the walkthrough says they ought to? When I try interacting with the bookcase again it just continues to say the case is missing books. Thanks.
  6. scotgaymer


    Hi everyone. Just wondering. Has the location of Magnemite been moved? I ask because I am in the Yureyu powerplant and I am really struggling to find one. I keep coming across Voltorb and Togedemaru but no Magnemite. Thanks.
  7. I have beat corey - just came back aftr getting as far as Lapis ward. Not a clue why they wont fire. Don't have either pokemon.
  8. Hey Folks. Replaying Reborn and having a bit of trouble getting the events for Shuppet and Pumpkaboo to fire. I'm in the cemetary at night and pressing buttons around the headstone and pumpkin and nothings happening. I've got the soul candle too. Any ideas?
  9. scotgaymer


    Thanks guys. I'm yet to find Slakoth but no doubt it'll turn up.
  10. scotgaymer


    So I am a little confused here. Everything I have seen says Slakoth can be found by headbutting the headbuttable trees in Obsidia park. Location guide, walkthroughs, the wiki. But I don't seem to be able to find any headbuttable trees in Obsidia park to headbutt. Attached is an image of the park. Have they been removed from the park? Can I get Slakoth somewhere else? EDIT: I am also having the same issue with the Rhodochrine Jungle and finding Aipom. No headbuttable trees. But it apparently can be found in the cemetery in Beryl ward so this one isn't so bad.
  11. scotgaymer


    Ah right thanks guys. Good to know i'll get it eventually.
  12. scotgaymer


    I am having some trouble locating this darned pokemon. I have Pansage and Pansear but not Panpour. The event that supposedly gives him out instead gave me Wingull. Is there any way to get Panpour at all? The location guide isnt clear and the walkthrough is massively out of date.
  13. I actually tried that but nothing happened. Only explanation I got is I missed the box it was in lol. Thanks TimTim.
  14. Okay so I believe that I have done everything I need to do to get Spoink. Encountered him, he ran to Coral Ward, freed the day care couple, entered the warehouse he is supposed to be in, and hes not there? He said something as I entered but... that was it? Am I missing something?
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