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9 Fledgling

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  1. Happy birthday @Lowkey7ft4 ,lets all groot it up
  2. basculin crest: +30 atk and speed can also be just 25
  3. its me omega from discord(the one with a nep pfp),can I be verified now azery-kun o///o

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      (youre supposed to dm your profile to a mod on discord)

  4. its me the omega from discord that broke rule 4 twice,sorry to cause trouble for you,I updated the photo so that its easy to recognize me

  5. nvm,I found it,clara's hand was blocking it
  6. I found the four keys and 3 of the keyholes,but I cant find the 4th one,can someone help me please?
  7. what the title says(if there is any other way to check if the bugs are fixed I would greatly appreciate,thank you)
  8. for some reason it can rain in sheridan's shop,idk if it can happen at any other places
  9. Im sorry,this was meant to be a joke rather then an actual report,I will make sure to report this and future problems that I find at the troubleshooting section
  10. Important PSA about v11 everyone:if your v11 cant load up and it has "SpriteResizer" in the error menu,go to v10 and set your window to medium,it should fix your problem
  11. but it doesnt say that route 9 is unsafe to load on
  12. excuse me,but this happened when I tried to load up v11,I didnt change any of the files from v11 ,I already redownloaded the game,and I am currently on route 9,does anyone know what happened and how to fix it?
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