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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by EndlessWrathOfPorygonicAss

  1. Yo its me again haha even though i saved kriese from angies dimension, i freeze after i leave the tower (and the cutscene ends). What luck today Game.rxdata
  2. Ah thanks nijab, i just caught that damn slakoth and i really dont wanna start over. I used cheat engine on this file for pokedex purposes (and a few more x3) lol. Check out my box if you want! Game.rxdata
  3. Okay for the bug that prevents you from going back to the secret shore after augustus sails you there (by going to gearen first), it says fixed yet there's literally no way to go back for me (and i dont see a solution in the OP). If theres a way to continue please tell me.. I got so far and caught all the pokes possible atm and i reeeally dont wanna start over
  4. Yo sans ive been following your spreadsheet and its a huge help. Nothing seems to be wrong or outta place til goldenleaf. I just beat narcissa and i was goin back to rens house and he had a hungry spoink in his room. So far its the only rhing missing that ive seen. I couldnt find that damn slakoth so im thinking maybe its not on the route. Trust me ive been patient and caught all the other 1% encounters, but i cant find it. 2 hours for each time of day. Anywhoo just wanted to say thanks man, you're a lifesaver Oh yeah don't mean to brag, okay maybe i do juuust a little. But i just got to route 4 and caught the twin electric mice in only like 20 minutes. By far the easiest super rares to catch
  5. I found Chingling in Gearen City! It was at night, but idk if it always is. Oh and Sunkern too
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