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  1. Kira, as far as I know every pokemon can be shiny. If you get a non shiny event pokemon, try breeding it until you get a shiny. Just make sure you don't get an event unbreedable pokemon in the regular form
  2. Now, that is good news!! Thanks, man.
  3. Ok, with the generation update from VI to VII the TM will also be updated, I suppose. Generation VII took away the awesome moves power up punch (that we never saw as tm on reborn), retaliate (that I am just mass producing learners atm), and struggle bug (this one deserves attention since Shelly strategy as a gym leader revolves mostly arround this attack, and it is really important for bug runners arround here). But it also took away Flash and Dig, usable outside battle. Will we never see these TM again? Are there any chances that they will move to HM 09 and TM 101 - 108? Edit: Just realised the new TM76 is fly, so maybe we won't lose struggle bug....
  4. Do you consider "Batom Pass" valid? If so, I swept 6-0 Luna in my electric monorun batom-passing agility and nasty plot from minun to ampharos. You can do pretty much the same on Terra with minun and abomasnow and on Ciel with minun and actually any pokemon really. Batom pass can do the trick, but it is not at all as impressive as some strategies people put out here.
  5. I got a spare one. If you want, just pm me
  6. I would have this beauty, mr Paul. Ain't Breloom one of the most awesome shiny pokemon in reborn?
  7. I can trade you one, if you are still looking for it
  8. To fast train Speed, just get in the railnet cave by Peridot Ward and fight those two Woobats. Then go outside and insede again to respawn the fellows. They are Lvl 5, so it can be done as early as you want to.
  9. Well, I cannot pretend I didn't see that coming. To bad that, in this city, heroes get burried in the same graveyard as us, mafia. So, "cheers!!", for you, investigators... (dies with a creepy smile....) ............ Thank you guys for the game, it was fun. Sorry if I said anything that offended anyone, it was nothing personal, just for the game. See you in the next one.
  10. Now that is a jerk move. Investigate someone twice but you didn't state what it came out. I am surprised people just believe up front somebody like you. Seeing how you behave yourself, that is disappointing Anyway, I don't think I am of any good use in this game, being a confused detective. So good luck [Eliminate] - Fair Family
  11. Well, as I said, I nailed the one I investigated the first night, and then I investigated someone that I thought was going to die, like you could do with Jace. But if you still think you are so above it all, remember a confused detectives can get some right answers in row. But I don't even think you are thinking about that.
  12. How can you be so confident? Wasn't you the one saying we would have to be "very lucky" to just know what we are by now?
  13. well, I am pretty sure I am a confused detective. there is no point in investigating anyone and if I ever investigated somebody that will end up being the most invetigated, then we would kill him for nothing. So, I agree with Fair that it is too late to just kill the most investigated again. I guess we should find out how many sane/insane detectives there are now, so those who suspect being one of them can try to figure out their chances and start making some assertive moves. [Answer] Question B
  14. I think I got this one! I am not sure since I was not able to search for exclude this move or for color or even the pokemon parameters like hp (sorry I am horrible at this, I tried but maybe the problem is me) Is it right? ds/ rock type, sturdy, thunder|!superpower I am now, and for the next hour. If you are not here by now, I apologise but I have to work this night, and we can try tomorrow YanMawiLeafaGeomancy
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