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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by pdart0304

  1. I am an electric mono runner too. I can give you a good iv Chinchou with soak as egg move (a.k.a. ground type's nightmare)
  2. Hello HellBoyOnEarth, I just defeated Ciel on my Electric monotype run. I did not documented it so far, but I went trough a lot in the beginning, and trough a muddy hell against Terra. I did it in ep 15, where I got a Rotom before her, so my wash Rotom did most of the job. I hope you enjoy your run, and I gotta say you will fall in love with the super-fangy, charmy, grass knoty Pachirisu (the Reborn wide famous Swagchirisu) and the baton passer Minun. If you want trade some electric mons, just let me now, ok? Have fun, my fellow electric friend.
  3. I got one even better. A female with 5iv that sucks at attack. Now, thats a load of hard to get pokes!! Rotom only breeds with ditto and pichu and elekid are hard to inbreed because of babies form. I will give you both Minun and you give me rotom and elekid. ok? or give me only one one those, if you have to go all the way to breed them, will be time consuming
  4. Calm nature will boost sp def., I intend to invest all ev in hp and def. It only needs to survive the first blow against a fast pokemon. If I have my Ampharos to put up reflect/light screen, even better to pass on more stats. You are right about thunder wave, there are not many taunters in reborn, and wish would waste the baton pass to the tank. If my sweeper dies or is forced switched out, I can sacrifice my minun to paralyze somebody. It bothers me though that I don't have a single Thunder on my electric run (gave it away on Manectric for electric terrain). Now, tell me, do you intend to do a baton passer minun?I got a 5iv male minun that sucks at sp.att iv, which would not be a problem if he is not going to attack anybody. But I will keep trying here. For the pkmn trading, YOU are the top breeder! Surprise me! Do you have cool electrics? Or give me a trash Plusle.
  5. Done! I will try to breed one 5 or 6 iv one to you. I have one 4iv with neutral nature, I can give that one to you, too. What do you think the last move should be? WISH or THUNDER WAVE or THUNDER? Wish could heal my tanky Ampharos, thunder wave would release me from the 30% chance discharge or two turns lock on/zap cannon to paralyse, thunder would give her a damaging move just in case i get taunted before baton pass.
  6. Well, thank you, mr. S.Paul I'm trying to breed a 5 or 6 iv, calm nature minun to become the agility/nasty plot batom passer in my electric team. I am giving some of my atempts away in wonder trade. Most of people would think it is trash, but I love those weaklings-pikachu-wannabes.
  7. Hello, everyone! I've been just tossed out of a relationship, so I guess is time to reborn as a pokemon trainer again! I have played Pokemon since childhood (I'm 25) and I got say I enjoyed Reborn more than OR/AS (but I like to play the 3DS games as well). It is way harder here, but I like how we can twist the game arround in Reborn: my fast n charm-y Pachirisu has taken down more foes than my Greninja I am currently at an electric run, and by now I have a lot of electric pokemon in rotation so things are getting real interesting. I enjoy trading and I confess I am a lazy breeder, so I can give away some 3maxIV dedenne, mareep and castforms and maybe one or other 4maxIV(would like 3 or 4 maxIV too). I'm not into shinny hunting, so if you want a shinny trubbish or noibat or whatever, give me a call. See you, guys
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