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Everything posted by Cobalt996

  1. You don't keep items stolen via Covet. I think even the old method of Covet/Thief -> Fling -> Recycle doesn't work anymore, but anyone is free to correct me if I'm wrong on that one.
  2. I'm playing through for the first time finally, so I'll prolly have a handful of tile/npc things in a week or two, but for now... Dunno if it's been reported before (searching "shiny" doesn't yield any applicable results) Catching a shiny pokemon when paired up with a partner (in this case, Aelita before getting the second badge) does not count toward the "catch shiny pokemon" achievement. On the subject of achievements, you get a point for "Friendship is magic" every time a pokemon hits 255 friendship, which means you get credited again if that pokemon drops to 254 then goes up to 255, repeatable ad nauseam. Don't really know anything to suggest for that one.
  3. That sad day when I realize I forgot to move Rising Rainbow to this computer before wiping my old one many years ago.

  4. Dangit I've been found out Don't review/post teams at 2am. It doesn't work ;-; Swaps are then as follows (since too lazy to edit zzz) Ribombeee: Energy Ball -> Stun Spore Hitmonlee: Bulk Up -> Wide Guard Smeargle -> Lilligant (QD, Petal Dance, Toxic, HP Fire)
  5. Same card from S2, generic non-shiny Leafeon sprite that you can just pull from E16 Battlers directory. No megas, no legends... For-fun team made of glass soon to be walled by C-team Central
  6. I still exist, by the way.


    Not that any of y'all noticed.

  7. I love how everyone's throwing down "congrats" and the like, when they really should be asking "How did Dan get Azery to agree to this?" I mean what.
  8. Missed last tour because sick, missing this one because I have to catch up on life >.>
  9. 9AM Sat (5a EST) or 6PM (2p EST) are the only ones I'd be able to make, so in if it ends up on either
  10. 3-day-long power outages are the best.

    1. Paul25


      I hope it gets fixed soon^^ :o 

  11. tfw you want to be kind and honest, but a good chunk of the population will see it as being rude and offensive.

  12. Count me in. Hoping for a chance of multis eventually. Who needs prizes?
  13. Theme tour + vs. staff Sure. Looks like I can actually make it to this one. When's return of sun-themed pokemon?
  14. /me catches Oliver in the skies with Smack Down
  15. http://prntscr.com/fj8515 (Olivia, Helen, Lucifer, Erwin as top 4) You do not want my feedback :3
  16. ^ Why I needed to become champion with Oricorio and Copycat. Hariyamatho
  17. @Bazaro Polls do not work if- *reads Baz's post* never mind. Used to be that you could retract your vote, then re-vote to do it, though. Pory2 is considered fine in general competitive because KOff is common in the current metagame. Here, well... running each STAB is more common, since vs. monotype, but iirc in Monotype, KOff is still fairly common. Failing that, one can run moves like Trick or Switcheroo to disable it entirely, with transferring an item like Toxic Orb or Black Sludge on to undermine its now-reduced bulk, or just give it a Choice Scarf/Band, as it will typically not run speed, and Foul Play does not care about Band on the user. Failing even that, Fighting STABs reliably dent it. Failing EVEN THAT, there's a handy little item called the Red Card, which you can use to damage it, then force it out so it cannot heal until a later time, allowing you to more easily eliminate it, or at least put it on back burner for a tad. Still got no clue? Lum/Pecha berries, Assault Vest, Liechi/Petaya berries. As long as you are able to deal with the team around the P2, you can adjust a little to be able to deal with the P2 Furthermore, its moveset is EXTREMELY predictable in this environment, since it will run Toxic + Recover, and typically two of Ice Beam/Thunderbolt/Tri-Attack/Tri Room/Foul Play/Protect. This means that when challenging a leader, you can just glance at your team, and decide which four moves would prolly be best to run against you. Leaders get no excuse, as they already know the moves on it, and know it's coming for them. Vote (which does not exist, rip) goes to No Ban, as the only reason I can find for people want to ban it is "it has bulk and can heal," which extends to more than just P2. If you want to ban it, then ban stall in general, as that is more what people are bellyaching over. P2 is just what people are the most mad about because it's nigh omnipresent in tours, and both leaders with access to it run it frequently. Seriously, though; go look at how many complaints about P2 are more toward stall in general, and the complainers' greatest weakness in-team. (PS. I hate stall, but I do not advocate banning it. Even if it's boring af)
  18. Suspecting an item because it makes two pokemon good (P2 & Chansey, since that got brought up weeks ago) is not enough of a case for it to be added to discussion, especially since removing it discourages leader variety in the form of unevolved 'mons, since there are several that can be brought out as a niche versus a challenger, as opposed to the same mon's copied and pasted in a different order.
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