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Everything posted by Cobalt996

  1. Bibs, this is why people like P2 more than PZ. Upgrades help your computer. Dubious Disks... well, you're finding out ;-;
  2. From 1 to 10 Suicune Zoroark Leafeon Snowtales Skymin Scolipede Sylveon Flareon Lucario Oricorio-Pom-Pom It is important to note that 95% of the time, if I like a Pokemon, it's the design.
  3. I'm so tough, you can't cut through my skin with a knife. You need a fully-sharpened cardboard box to do that.
  4. No. Would it be Viri? Nah. Viri never comes to this thread twice in the same 24 hours. How about Lugruf?
  5. Oricorio is C-. In my humble opinion, it should be C, since, while it isn't "slap this on your team to win," or "use this set because it works all the time," it still has enough versatility to work. All formes are not equal, though. Fire's prolly the worst for this due to SR. (Yes, I know the only coverage Ori gets is Rev. Dance, Flying + HP) I'd petition for B- if this was a thing. ★RLDR Haley: Huh, using Oricorio to change types
  6. Perhaps it would be viable to rerun the trial for Penelope getting a mega, but for Ampahros or Sceptile instead.
  7. [EXPERIMENT] 50+ mph winds vs various trees in my area.


    rip west Michigan

  8. Cute, huh? Let's go with three of them, then. Quilava, Shaymin-S, Scolipede.
  9. I fail to see the point in this thread, for the most part, since a good chunk of the replies are more or less "It's hard because it's supposed to be hard. Why is it supposed to be hard? Because it's hard. That must mean it's supposed to be hard, so it being hard is perfect," which doesn't answer the question posed by Azery in the first post. Some replies actually provide feedback and insight, though. And then we get stuff like the post above mine that, again, make me wonder why this thread even exists. If you (Redemption) ask for feedback, and then just say "well, you're wrong" to negative feedback and future worries, why are you asking for it in the first place? Might be a better idea to get together and discuss the feedback, then reach a (relative) consensus on the response to it, rather than sounding hypocritical. And, so as to not make myself a hypocrite, I suppose I will need to give my feedback: Most of the lower-bracket difficulty is team-based for the challengers; if your team can't deal with the type, it will not work very well. If your team is neutral or better, you'll win, almost for free. In other words, there's very little strategy, since it's basically saying "Okay, [leader] will do this strategy in this format, so just CTeam them and win, or get hax and lose anyway, but that's Pokemon." This is due to there being a ton of challengers, many of whom watch each-other's battles. I don't bother with watching other people's matches in the higher brackets yet, since I'm generally busy with life, so I can't provide any form of accurate feedback on them. I suppose I'll side myself with Pyrro's feedback toward the upper tiers for the time being.
  10. So, if you are on a mountain field, and you rotate your Alolan Exeggutor 180 degrees about its centre of height, you corrupt the world? Why even fight Meteor anymore? Just spin Exeggutor, corrupt the world, and idkwhat.
  11. Troubadour (F) Affinity: Light HP: 20 (+5) 75% Mg: 2 (+1) 60% Sk: (-1) 05% Sp: 6 (+3) 40% Lk: 2 (+2) 20% Df: 5 (+3) 50% Rs: 5 50% Cn: 5 Mv: 7 Tl: +13/300% I rolled dice, and balanced back to 13/300% it by modifying Skill. Here's hoping supports help that hit rate It is a bad idea to pseudo-randomly generate stats. I regret nothing. Now for a thought-out character. Shaman Light HP: 17 +1 45% Mg: 3 +1 70% Sk: 3 +2 60% Sp: 5 +3 65% Lk: 2 +2 20% Df: 3 +1 20% Rs: 3 -1 20% Cn: 11 +4 Mv: 5 Have you ever had a Druid and said "Man, if only I could lift Luna tome..." WELL NOW YOU CAN. And Fimbulvtr, I guess, since Sacred Stones. Just frail af. Not Ewan levels of frail, though.
  12. http://prntscr.com/e9ba2r May as well ask about that. Assuming it follows typical Rotom and Hidden Power rules, though.
  13. Restarting. Same card/sprite. Maybe this time I'll actually have time to do more than two challenges
  14. One question remains to be answered, though. Are you... a real villain? (How long did it take to event/get the sounds to play properly/tweak pokemon, ooc)
  15. Stress in Nations? I mean, yeah, there were two people like that in Ravenholts, but by week 5 we got together and decided to just do whatever, have fun, and if we won, we won. Disclaimer: the only people really in on that were me, Kam, Kaito, Ody, and maybe Juu. I'm doing Redemption with a team I spent... maybe five minutes building? idk anything about gen 7 stuff, and it's not a team by me without a gimmick, or at least Zoroark. Batting is only actually fun imo when you have something you're just trying to do, rather than metagame laddering. That gets staler the higher you get. Anstane?
  16. Two queries: 1. There are five listed "clauses" which the battles will abide by [Freeze, Battle Timeout, Sleep, Species, Swagger] This differs from the list of clarifications, which is also five items long, but includes Evasion Clause instead of Swagger Clause. I am assuming both are in effect. 2. To quote the rules as a support: Showdown contains data for the "generic" Hidden Power move (Normal-Type, varies by IVs). Are we allowed to use this as our base move, and change the IVs to change the type the move is, since we are not allowed to change the move, but we are allowed to change the IVs. Again, this does not change the move itself—it is exported as the "generic" Normal-Type Hidden Power regardless of IVs, but it will change type in battle.
  17. Wait... Juu was here? Been a while since that last happened. DorsalBone-Edge? (SpineBlade)
  18. 10/10, but -1 per memetree head, soooo... I think that adds up to 1/10? 1 looks like a 7, though, so 7/10
  19. Nah, it's me. Who's going to have Post #20000? Is it Micky? Anstane? Or... Noobly?
  20. Nope. But I'll make my once-every-36-or-so-hours appearance. Life seems so busy, even tough I'm not really doing anything. Can you relate in any way, Lugruf?
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