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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Debojit97

  1. Okay thanks...actually I am at Agate now and don't have the TM for Thunder Wave. Stealth rock will be great I think, will teach it as soon as a get a Heart Scale.
  2. Magnezone had sturdy. Magnezone used Discharge!
  3. Well I started playing Reborn and lost my save files,so started playing again and completed Episode 15.Few days ago I found a back up save file of my older run with 6 badges(The lost one had 10) and decided to complete it too.I have just defeated Charlotte and here's my team at the moment: 1.CHARIZARD: (lvl 70,blaze,male) Moves: Air Slash Dragon Claw Flamethrower Rock Smash 2.WALREIN: (lvl 67,thick fat, male) Moves: Blizzard Surf Dive Hail 3.SAWSBUCK: (lvl 68, sap sipper, female) Moves: Jump Kick Horn Leech Double Edge Aromatherapy 4.MAGNEZONE: (lvl 66, analytic , N.A) Moves: Flash Canon Discharge Spark Metal Sound 5.REUNICLUS: (lvl 60,regenarator,female) Moves: Pain Split Psychic Recover Trick Room 6.GOLEM: (lvl 70. sturdy, male) Moves: Earthquake Explosion Double Edge Stone Edge I also have a Ampharos and a Yanmega with me and rotating with Reuniclus. So I need suggestions.Tell me if move set can be made better,any new pokemons which I can add or anything else.
  4. Episode 15 means it contains all episodes 1-15.
  5. All I need is the rhythm divine

  6. Maybe I am asking a stupid question but is this game officially released in India?it's downloadable from store.But I am not sure.
  7. Check this ..http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16315.. It says there are two. Here's a picture.https://mega.nz/#!9U91SSKb!4D9HzLklitFVTrMITf1hC-t5M5TJUC-yeZijI8d40Cc Best of luck. Edit: Roserade doesn't learn Frost breath.
  8. Welcome to Reborn Family mate!!! Enjoy your stay!
  9. Swampert can do great things in every game.I think it will do in reborn too.Great choice.... BUT be aware of Fern! Flying types should be a good pair with it.Give it a try.
  10. Well it's not the best Grass type available in the game, but it's good.Grass types are super effective against water,ground,rock and poison attacks against fairies and grass.You will need it as a backup against the Ground type gym leader Terra, if your Greninja faints or against the upcoming Rock leader. But,as you have a Piloswine with you also,this will be not be a great pokemon for your team .But keep it if you like it.
  11. Probably not, you have only one Shiny stone to use. Maybe (If have not made large progress since that moment ) you can use the save file when you had the Roselia. That will give you another chance.
  12. Welcome to the Reborn Family mate!!
  13. Or am I part of the diseases?

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