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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Debojit97

  1. Debojit97


    Well if you have encountered it once....then its gone for good...even if you don't make it faint.. and actually that has happened here. it was in the tombstone now saying "...is to mangled to say something"....it's saying this because the mon is gone.If shuppet was there it would say something different.
  2. May be its the best time to use the ability capsule...last time I checked your arcanine had intimidate. Also you can get a Rhydon or graveler from the caves.A Rhyperior will be very effective.Find one with the ability of solid rock. You can use the Cofagrigus aganist the Rotom.Save your blastoise for the prefect moment.Also if you want to make it easier...get a walrein and destroy the field with a blizzard . Honestly Rhyperior/golem wins the battle alone.
  3. Are you serious??Or crazy? I need Arceus as starter. Well I have some question....what about ghost Pokemons?How can they die being already dead? And the pokemons fully evolved or the ones which doesn't evolve.....should they hold a everstone too? And where will we get the everstones?Is it free? If a pokemon dies ?what happens to the everstone ? Any idea about using lucky eggs or Exp.Share? Waiting for Episode 1!!
  4. There should be a platypus. A tiger...I need more Sharks and perhaps a kraken
  5. I am always sleepy....so 'sleep' will be helpful for me.I will eat and do the necessary things in 15 minutes and then forget about everything and go to sleep. But what will happen if I always hold a Chesto berry?
  6. Debojit97


    In the beryl graveyard...go down the stairs and check the first tombstone at your right side
  7. Deathly Hallows part 2. What do you expect ,mega evolutions or just evolutions in Sun and Moon?
  8. What if Ash wins a tournament in the anime?
  9. magnezone needs 1.5 glasses!!!

  10. Bats use SONAR as they can't see(we think it ,but it's not true,they see very very little in dark) and use echolocation as a technic to navigate.But there are some kinds of bats which actually do have big eyes to see even in nights.(and really big eyes). Normally bats use larynx to produce the the sound and emit the waves from mouth, but "Horseshoe bats and Old World leaf-nosed bats emits their echolocation calls through nostrils " So as it seems the makers have imagined that there must be bats which can emit the waves from there ears( tough they use ears as a organ to receive the reflected waves ).This may be a possible answer. And the pokedex says Noivern:"The ultrasonic waves it emits from its ears can reduce a large boulder to pebbles. It swoops out of the dark to attack."It seems Noivern uses the ultrasonic waves to attack and it can't echolocate with that powerful waves which turn large boulder into pebbles. Noibat: "They live in pitch-black caves. Their enormous ears can emit ultrasonic waves of 200,000 hertz." So it seems that the organ which creates the vibration is located within their ears. This may be the inspiration of Noivern or Noibat:
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