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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Debojit97

  1. no one will dare to battle against the lords!!!!!
  2. I have been thinking of creating this one for a while.. Dual type pokemons can be helpful in every game, in reborn too.So, here you can share the dual typed pokemon(s) that helped (or, helping) you most in the play and how. Though Reborn is a game where only type advantages can't decide a battle, that makes me more curious to know what is your favourite or useful dual typing in the game. Here's mine ......and it's GROUND+ROCK(Graveler). Made every tough battle easy....Broke Serra with the field.... The Pulse Abra...Terra's RAWRCHOMP....that Mewtwo..Charlotte...Ciel. Waiting for your opinion.
  3. Metagross is a great pokemon. As you have electric support from Porygon 2 and Luxray ...I will put Magnezone aside..Now if you think you can manage dragons with Noivern and Feraligatr..then Metagross is your choice. I had a Gardevoir because it is one of my favorites. I will leave this to you...both are awesome, but if you like Metagross, then go and get it !!!
  4. Oooops sorry man ....didn't notice and you also have Flamethrower ,I should have noticed...anyway that is a good idea....and consider gardevoir and magnezone after you complete E15......Fairy gym is on the way.
  5. In my opinion Charlotte and Noel are equally eligible for the place of the hardest leader. If you don't have a good and effective team considering the opponents mons and feild effects, they will just make your life hell. Corey will be tough without a Psychic mon.. But here's my vote for NOEL and CHARLOTTE.
  6. It seems pretty good to me...You can add a Gardevoir or Magnezone later. Consider Download on Prygon 2.Then you can get rid of charge beam and add another good move of your choice. You may also teach Dusknoir trick room and change Ursaring's ability to Guts.I think it will support each other. Arcanine should have a better moveset with Flare blitz if you hadn't evolved it early. Teach Noivern boomburst. But at this point of game you should have a Golem or Rhyperior in your party,it will certainly be helpful against the Fire and Flying gym. And consider getting a Walrein if you face trouble against Terra. Best of luck.
  7. Megas...I would like to see a mega hypno, mega stoutland , mega ninetales, mega luxray , mega arcanine........really wanna see a arcanine mega evolving.
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