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Everything posted by Debojit97

  1. You have a Blastoise and a Arbok....use Acid spray first to lower its Special Defence and then you can knock it out with a flash canon. One more tip,use your arcanine if you wish cause there will be a battle with former ice leader Blake..you will need arcanine there. EDIT : I checked your latest save file , Blatoise at level 64?? Its not gonna listen to you .You should keep it in PC for some time. And I was also playing with your 1st uploaded file.I defeated Noel ,you can use it if you want.I used your Arcanine (level 52) and Arbok (level 52) instead of Makhurita and Scraggy (they are in BOX 5).I lost some money as I was training against Noel.Sorry for that mate.I bought 22 super potions and used some of them,also an antidote ,a paralyze heal and a ice cream.You can sell the other potions and retrieve some money. There are some change in the moveset...1. Arcanine learned Extreme speed over Take down. 2.Arbok knows belch and gastro acid.I caught a Dedenne too.I also used Ampharos (Dragon plate ) is in your bag. Game.rxdata
  2. Has the Scraggy Moxie?why haven't you evolved it ? As far as I remember he has a porygon z, cinccino and Swellow, which can OHKO all your mons. Evolve Scraggy, Scrafty should take care of most of the mons and use Emolga for the bird. Also you can evolve makhurita into hariyama, it will be helpfull as well.
  3. Nope its me.The new_but_old. Predicting Viri..
  4. Nice to know you man....sure we'll get along.And I will be looking for Dhanush too. Btw I'm not an engineer, just pursuing Physics Hons. (B.Sc). Edit: btw where are you from?
  5. Debojit97


    You should try to stick with the forum thread, as others recommended,it is updated and won't disappoint you.
  6. Great job man...happy to hear that.Train hard and beat the game.Best of luck.
  7. Thanks a lot, yes I paint on canvas,mostly oil paints.I also paint landscapes,still lives, portraits in water colour and pencil drawings. But hey,who are the other folks from India,I can't find them,need help.
  8. Vulpix can be obtained as a egg from the police officer from beryl ward but you have to give him a growlithe egg in return. Actually there are 18 possible eggs.You can get Vulpix as well as Larvesta as fire type mons. here is the pokemon location guide...http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16407.You can use it. Best Of Luck.
  9. Well train a good fire type mon....and another one with EQ to destroy the field.Once you have done that destroy the field and use the fire type to wash her team.. Keep in mind that she has a Walrein ,use Emolga or Ampharos for it. Best of Luck..
  10. You can always have Noivern the lord,I suppose Noibats are avaiable in the caves.
  11. Yes Swoobat is effective against Samson getting field boost+type advantage.But I will recommend sending Swoobat second,after you defeat the Hariyama because it has Smack Down.Use Emolga and Delphox to defeat and I think Swoobat will take care of the rest easily, EDIT: you may consider Noivern too,if you have a noibat
  12. Use Torterra...It will help against Terra. As Viri said,replace luxray with a magnezone. And you can get a Rhydon just before you encounter Charlotte( may be even a Rhyperior if you have Protector and Link stone ). As you have already beaten Radomus ,teach Trick room to gardevoir,and attack with Rhydon. It will do the job. Rhydon will also help with Ciel.You should train your floatzel or can get a Walrein or a Wailord( It's my choice ,atleast Its the only pokemon having LORD in its name). So,Torterra, Magnezone, Rhyperior, Gardevoir, Floatzel( or Walrein or Wailord ),Arcanine, Scrafty, Crobat( May replace with Noivern).You will have the best team!!!! EDIT :As others said , Arcanine will help a lot against Charlotte if it has Flash Fire.
  13. Well your team seems good.you have certainly trained well.but considering that Fighting(Samson),Fire(Charlotte),Ground(Terra) and Flying(CIel) are next leaders,you may face some serious problems. You are hopefully not thinking that Solrock's Psychic will get you through Samson.(His mons will OHKO you.)I suggest getting the Ralts before being trapped in Agate City .Gardevoir will cover for dragon and Fairies.Similarly can get a flying type,it will be useful. With Charlotte,In the double battle Dugtrio won't help(not with 50 SAtk).You can replace it with a Rhydon later or Golem now.(Sleath rock will help you a lot in future). And you are wasting slots teaching pangoro rock smash or dugtrio cut.Get rid of aqua jet as soon as you get surf.You can teach it Earthquake as its SAtk is high. there are many better fire types than Torkoal, Arcanine is a beast. And you should khow that Terra has a level 78 Garchomp.BE PREPARED!! You have a good team
  14. Oh my dear..I forgot that mon#Krokodile thanks. btw protector is already in the game..I have it
  15. Thanks for the replies..Yeah,its true about the Electrode,actually I didn't train it after getting from the water treatment plant. Arcanine's Flare blitz will be replaced by Extreme Speed,as well as Noivern's Dark pulse with Flame thrower.And Viri,I'm confused about getting a Jolteon or a Magnezone since Magnezone is solid but jolteon is super fast. And in case of evolving Graveler..I have only one linkstone,and I am thinking of a Rhyperior. (But its true Graveler himself is a beast,#DemICE) Edit:Forgot to tell I also have a Manectric and a Volcarona.
  16. Hello,I have just completed reborn episode 15 and here is my team. Can you tell me how is it or suggest a new pokemon I should add? That will be a great help. any suggestion in the moveset is also welcomed. The current team is: on the trainer card Sceptile[overgrowth] Leaf storm Leaf Blade Dual Chop Brick Break Graveler[sturdy] Sleath Rock Explosion Stone Edge Earthquake Gardevoir[telepathy] Moon Blast Calm Mind Psychic Charge Beam Seismitoad[water absorb] Bulldoze Surf Sludge Wave Drain Punch Noivern[Frisk] Boomburst Dragon Pulse Dark pulse Hurricane Arcanine [Flash fire] Flare Blitz Heat Wave Crunch Outrage besides I also have Wailord[Water veil] Surf Waterfall Dive Heavy Slam Hawlucha[Limber] Hi Jump Kick Sky Attack Fly Sword Dance Electrode[Aftermath] Discharge Explosion Gyro Ball Mirror Coat Dusclops[Pressure] Mean Look Shadow Ball Strength Confuse Ray. Waitng for your replies.
  17. Thank you very much everyone... I didn't expect so many replies,atleast not after posting in the wrong place( though it was moved to the Grand Hall,so Thanks again).
  18. Well.....it's been a long time since I created this account.But Now I'm gonna Introduce myself(Officially). [sorry for being late] I am Burning_ash or Debojit(real name),a 18 year old boy from Kolkata.India,studying Physics.I started playing reborn a year ago & with the greatest fortune lost the save game file...with 10 Badges and lots of pokemon(PC crashed). 2 days ago I started the jourey again with Tree(Treecko,now a Sceptile),and continuing with 6 badges. Besides Pokemon i like to play football and Vanguard,listen to music['The Script' is my favourite] ,paint(Yes!! I am a painter). I suppose its all that I can tell now..So here I am,old but new with the hope that I will be the very best, Like no one ever was.(one day)
  19. by the way..any idea where can i find a numel that early in the game??
  20. Thanks for the reply.....i am returning with a numel and dustox
  21. Hello guys,i am playing the game for the second time(not that i've completed it first time,just lost my save games),but now i'm facing troule with Florinia... My Team................ Grovyle[25] leaf blade pursuit mega drain quick attack Meowstic[25] psyshock psybeam covet light screen Igglybuff[16] copycat pound sweet kiss charm i also have a zigzagoon[lvl 7] and a egg i obtained from the slums... so any idea how can i defeat Florinia with this team or which changes should i make?
  22. Actually i've copied the whole game folder in my pendrive and the Game.rxdata fle in that drive too. Now i'm trying to load the game from that save file stored,so is there any way to do this?if yes,how?
  23. well i am using a pc of college and don't have administrator privileges...so can't copy the previous game.rxdata file in the 'saved games ' folder. so,how can i make the game to load the file from a pendrive or any other location????
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