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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Debojit97

  1. Torchic is itself a great starter and nearly perfect for playing reborn, evolves into the mighty Blaziken, so if you have chosen it.GREAT.And btw it would have been perfectly safe to start with Mudkip also, cause when you will reach first gym it will probably evolve into Marshtomp which is also ground in type. Well, my all time favourite starter is Charmander, because I love Charizard.( seriously there's no other reason).But in my first run I played with Sceptile,which is also a marvalous starter(2nd best in my opinion). Currently I'm in my third run, this time with Snivy, choose it because of its unique ability Contrary.In my present team the best mons are Serperior, Sandslash an Meowstic(F). And don't worry you will get a Ralts late in the game.
  2. This is my chance. LORD!! ALMIGHTY!! Sceptile.
  3. The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death. Favourite science fiction?
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