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Everything posted by Lilleen

  1. I find ZEL being a romance option even more questionable, because ... well ... they are three people and I doubt all of them would fall in love with the MC ... and say if just one of them fell in love? Now that would be ... complicated and interesting.
  2. Okay, lets try to do this. 10. Honchkrow 9. Absol 8. Suicune 7. Hariyama 6. Mawile 5. Pikachu 4. Zoroark 3. Hypno 2. Chikorita 1. Leafeon
  3. Haha, yeah, his nuzlocke is funny.
  4. You're too nice! Also, nice trivia on Eve and Lumi's sprite. I really didn't know, though I guess it is understandable since I'm not a very old fan of Reborn. Haha, yeah, Cain flirting with the MC has always amused me for some reason, even though I usually hate romance in any media. I think its maybe because the MC never replies to him or takes any hint? Anyway, I'd probably shatter his heart by turning him down because I'm aromantic, woops.
  5. Aah, these drawings of Julia are just wonderful! ~ I also just add some drawings as well. Only three this time, but as someone once said: Somtimes, less is more. ZEL, but I tried to guess the eyecolor of each of them (not really guessing with Zero, as I am assuming its his body they are trapped in). I don't know if there exist any sprite art for the two girls, so this is just pure guessing for the fun of it. - http://orig02.deviantart.net/fc30/f/2016/174/c/6/untitled_by_victoria2037_da7bc6z_by_victoria2037-da7bcns.jpg With Zero, it was of course golden. With Eve, I guessed green and with Lumi I guessed blue. Next up is something I actually enjoyed drawing, which is my comments or reactions to characters within Reborn. I did two of these and tried to make them somewhat funny. Not everybody is as funny though (Corey's especially, since I felt it would be too disrespectful to make fun of him). But here goes! Part 1 - http://orig01.deviantart.net/eab1/f/2016/174/8/3/untitled_by_victoria2037_da7bc6m_by_victoria2037-da7bcno.jpg Part 2 - http://orig04.deviantart.net/1c0a/f/2016/174/3/7/untitled_by_victoria2037_da7bc6c_by_victoria2037-da7bcnj.jpg
  6. Talk to people in 7th street. This will trigger what you need to find Luna.
  7. You really wrecked her. Good job. Yeah, I totally agree with you on Charlotte's character. She is very annoying, but there are far worse characters IMO.
  8. I have a similar theory. I believe that Radomus was indeed part of Meteor when Anna and Noel was still very young (at least too young to remember their father). Now I don't really wanna go too deep in how Radomus originally gained possession of the Amethyst pendant, as I haven't really dug too much in the game to find interesting information. Anyway, Team Meteor only cared about Radomus because of that pendant, so when he turned his back to them, they began hunting him for it. He then dumped his two children with the pendant at the orhanage, to not only ensure his childrens safety (which really didn't work out now, did it?), but also the safety of the Amethyst pendant.
  9. Nope. Charlotte, Laura and Saphira are sisters. Anna and Noel are twins.
  10. ... PfftHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Not gonna lie, I'm laughing my ass off right now.
  11. Aha, I forgot. ... maybe Cain is just stupid?
  12. Cain didn't know that he was a Meteor, at least I don't think so.
  13. This is the only thing keeping me from believing he is their father. Though I have a thoery that he might have left them there because Team Meteor was hunting them down to get the pendent.
  14. Normal: Bide. You hit me, I'll hit you back twice as hard. Water: Scald. FEEL THE WRATH OF BOILING WATER! Fire: Flamethrower, no more needs to be said. Grass: Leech seed. Saved my ass so many times. Electric: Volt switch. Wanna hit me? Sorry bro, ain't gonna happen! Ice: Sheer Cold. No one shall survive this winter cold. Fighting: Wake-up slap. No naps for you, haha! Poison: Venoshock. Oh sorry, did I hurt you? ... what, you say you were poisoned as well? TOO BAD! Ground: Bonemerang. Come on, attacking someone by using bones, that's badass! Flying: Chatter. Freaking broken move ... Psychic: Dream Eater. Omnomnom, dreams. Hypno approves. Bug: Silver wind. Why silver? Because silver is a badass color that has nothing to do with bugs ... I think. Rock: Ancient power. BOOM! Ghost: Nightmare. You shall never be save, not even in your sleep. Dragon: Dragon breath. The breath of a dragon can harm you? Wowwww.. Dark: Sucker punch. Pow right in the face, haha! Steel: Iron tail ... Jasmine traumatized me, okay?! Fairy: Draining kiss. Hello, I'm an innocent little fairy, please pay me no mind while I drain your lifeforce..
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