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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Lilleen

  1. I've noticed that sometimes the dialogue text skips to the next paragraph without me telling it to do so.
  2. It does indeed seem interesting. I sort of want more games with an already established character, because it could make a story way more interesting than the usual, boring silent protagonist.
  3. In all honesty, I don't really care for Charlotte. Sure, her backstory was sad and all, but her personality don't really reach me. It's not that I hate her, rather that I don't care for her. She tries to be all "grown-up" when she isn't really, which is the only feature of her that annoys me.
  4. Unoriginal: Necklace, cuz I love necklaces <3 Original: Hair schrunchy. If I were ever to grow my hair long again, I would braid it and have the key stone at the bottom: attached to a hair schrunchy.
  5. Azumarill (and its pre. evolution) is not a part of the Pikachu-clone club.
  6. My vote goes to Pikachu, because I have fond memories of my Pikachu plushies and little me watching Pokémon. I loved Pikachu and it will forever be a big part of my childhood ~
  7. I know it's a gijinka, it was just ... not really a pleasant sight ...
  8. I was hoping for Dark/Fairy for Lunala, so I was really disappointed.
  9. THIS RIGHT HERE, FOLKS! I so agree with you. There are sooooo many overrated Pokémon out there I dislike for getting special treatment for no good reason. I get that these mons are populare and all, but I've never been a fan of favoring anything. Not only is Lucario a good example, but also Blaziken and Charizard as well. It pisses me off that Pokémon like these gets so much love and attention they do not necessarily deserve. (Sorry for those who love these pokés, I just need to get this out of my system, because I've been keeping this to myself for quite some time. If you like these Pokémon, that is perfectly fine and I have absolutly nothing against you)
  10. My super duper OP power of DOOM: A powerful voice that could make people lose their hearing. My super duper lame weakness of DOOM: Loud noises. (See the irony? Haha...hahahahaha)
  11. Ahhh, these are all wonderful! You talented human being! Btw, thank you SO much for your nice comment regarding my drawings. You inspired me to try out bakrounds and shadows, even though I'm very little confident around those areas. So thank you for that too! ^^
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