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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Lilleen

  1. Ah, sorry for being a derp. I don't really like the look on Rowlet. Sorry, but that's my opinion.
  2. Sawk and Throh These two creep me out. I am so sick and tired of people complaining about Mr. Mime and Jynx being too human-like. These two look even more human than Mr. Mime and Jynx. They are not even attempt at being Pokémon, because they both look like a blue and a red guy dressed up. Also Arceus. Screw Arceus: we never needed any "god" Pokémon or anything like that. Get the hell out.
  3. Favorite starter? Meganium. Favorite eeveelution? Leafeon. Favorite gen 7 starter? Litten.
  4. Two weeks of practice for my math exam and what do I do? Draw freaking Reborn fan art. No, I'm kidding. I used those two weeks to read on math and now that I am finally done with my exam, I can finally go back to being the lazy thingy I am. MOAR reborn fanart, because there's never enough, am I right? The circus trio: The strong man, the acrobatic and the lion tamer - http://orig02.deviantart.net/34b0/f/2016/152/6/4/img23k_by_victoria2037_da4lzng_by_victoria2037-da4m4yw.jpg Aya drawn a bit more realistic - http://orig14.deviantart.net/0fb8/f/2016/152/4/4/untitled_by_victoria2037_da4lzre_by_victoria2037-da4m5gq.jpg El and his lord and savior - http://orig11.deviantart.net/0375/f/2016/152/a/f/untitled_by_victoria2037_da4lzs1_by_victoria2037-da4m63d.jpg Sirius and his weapon of choice! - http://orig09.deviantart.net/84ec/f/2016/152/e/a/untitled_by_victoria2037_da4lzsn_by_victoria2037-da4m63y.jpg Rejuvenation meets Reborn! - http://orig08.deviantart.net/230e/f/2016/152/1/f/untitled_by_victoria2037_da4lztm_by_victoria2037-da4m694.jpg Bookworm Shelly - http://orig02.deviantart.net/b805/f/2016/152/2/4/untitled_by_victoria2037_da4lzud_by_victoria2037-da4m6c1.jpg The gym leaders from Julia til Samson - http://pre11.deviantart.net/ad0e/th/pre/f/2016/152/c/7/gym_leaders_by_victoria2037-da4m6fv.jpg *A bunch of scenes from the game & characters etc. - http://orig05.deviantart.net/6075/f/2016/152/f/8/untitled_by_victoria2037_da4lzo3_by_victoria2037-da4m5dd.jpg *Artists note: Panel one: Alice wanna escape them crazy cultists. Panel two: "Dark Dreamer Luna wants to battle!" Panel three: Stalker the Absol (yes, I named the Absol stalker ...) Panel four: Titania regretting her choices. Panel five: Symbolic picture of Taka being trapped in Team Meteor. Poor guy. Panel six: Aster and Eclipse, my favorite meteors. Panel seven: Jugdement day of the Ditto-Arceus Panel eight: Victoria visting Kiki's grave. This actually looks very pretty, IMO. Enjoy ~
  5. Mienshoa doesn't have long arms, but long fur covering its small hands that it uses as whips. It took my ages to see that and now I feel really stupid.
  6. 9/10 Reminds me of my home ... To answer your question, Viri: I don't live in the arctic circle, but live in a country that is a part of it. However, this summer, I am going to visit my sister who lives in a city that is a part of the arctic circle.
  7. Does Pokémon contests count? Because I would want to show how beautiful Pokémon are.
  8. What is the protagonist in Black/White failed to stop Team Plasma and that resulted in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon?
  9. I can't wait to battle Hardy. I'm so exited to see what will be his strategy. As mentioned, rock types are often easy to underestimate. Maybe his strategy is somewhat alike Charlottes, that is his Pokémon know moves to counter their weaknesses, like grass types for ground and water, or fire types for grass and steel.
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