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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Lilleen

  1. Oh my godness, afihiukjnwoifu, it's beautiful!
  2. My sisters homemade chocolate chip cookies!
  3. Such a huge drama bomb. I'm suprised you cared about Aya being kidnapped: I thought you didn't like her. Or maybe you like her more then certain other characters in this game. Hard to tell with some many different characters and personalities.
  4. Puns ftw! What do you think of the weather today?
  5. 7/10 I have no idea who that person is, but I think she looks pretty ~
  6. So I've been creating alot of characters for a possible upcoming story (which is Pokémon related) and one of them has become quite the favorite out of the bunch. Alyssa Prarie is a young woman who enjoys battling quite much. She is a Whimsicott gijinka, but is not to be underestimated. She's tough as nails and won't give up any fight what so ever. Raised in the "wild" (a common used word for poor gijinkas who live in forests, caves and the like), her mother was an league challenger, but was forced to quit when their leader died. Alyssa's mother taught her daughter the basic battling tecniques, so she would be able to defend herself. As she grew up, battling became her one and only hobby: making her unpopular around the neighbourhood. She joins a group of league challengers and is the only one who enjoys battling. She's also the groups biggest joker, as she loves to make jokes and do pranks on other people. Having no respect for personal space, people often dislike her as a person. Alyssa hates water type gijinkas and taking baths. Her father was not very nice to her mother, leaving Alyssa full of vengance and hatred. This is another reason she joined the league challenge: Her father is a member of the water type gym and she wants to challange him. She dislike taking baths and showers. This became a problem once she travelled with a group of other people. She was forced to take some showers every now and then, or else she would be kicked out of the group. She goes through quite the change while travelling, but not for the better. However, this cannot be described too much since it will spoil some parts of the story. (This character is still quite unfinished, but she's still my favorite OC. The story is also still just a simple idea, so who knows if it'll ever become something. However, I still need to finish a different story before I begin on this one, as it is very stressful to write on two stories at the same time. Alyssa is based of a real Whimsicott I used during my playthrough of Dark Rising 1.) The reason this OC is my favorite is because she the best written character I've ever had in a story (albeit from a story that does not exist yet). We get to know her personality, her childhood, her family, fears, and hobby. She's one of my few characters that is fleshed out quite well and I'm hoping that is how she'll come out in this story; as a relatable character.
  7. I remember trying out this game, but I honestly really don't like zombies, so I quit before even getting the first badge. Also, in all honesty, I don't like when fan games like this drags in other anime characters into the mix because why the hell not?
  8. I'm proud of my ability to accept critism against my work or opinion. When you are a creative person, you're bound to get critism against what you've created (whenever it's a drawing or a fictional story in my case). I have recieved quite the messages from people who critise my work. I'm not the kind of person to get angry at this, as I know it's their opinion. This is my golden key for improving my skills. If I never improve, I won't change much. Change is important, whenever you like it or not.
  9. He could choose to ignore these tiny advices, you know. But yeah, Charlotte's gym is better fought with fire.
  10. Pikachu has been such a big part of my childhood. It used to be my favorite Pokémon and the anime used to be my favorite show. I didn't understand everything, but I just knew I liked it. I know a lot of people are tired of Pikachu because its the mascot and gets "special treatment" because of it, but it is the reason I am here today. So yeah, my signature Pokémon is this lovely electric mouse.
  11. Region: Originally, I wanted to go with Jotho, but I decided to go with a region I havn't explored at all: Unova Starter: Snivy. Pokémon party: Serperior, Gigalith, Excadrill, Chandelure, Escavalier and Braviary Hounarble mentions: Stoutland (freaking tank of a dog), Zoroark, Klingklang, Cofagrigus and Lilligant.
  12. Of course I can, my friend. The reason I like Bennett was that I felt actually sorry for him. People in Spinel Town made fun of him and his hobby. Even his own mother had no respect what so ever over that he enjoyed studying bugs. When he's first introduced, you know the game tries to make him look weak: make him look pathetic. When El came and watched the battle between the player and Bennett, he complimented Bennett even though he lost. I know this was just to get information out of the boy, but El telling Bennett that he was good for something made him realize that he wanted to become stronger. By this, he left Spinel Town and his mother behind, because he might have realized that place made him feel miserable. When you meet him on 7th Street and while you search for Luna, you can tell that he has changed as a person: he has gained more confidence. He wasn't the same person you met in Spinel Town. I am fully aware that he is quite misguided by El, no need to remind me, but this transformation really speaks to me. What I hope is that he leave El to become stronger on his own. He did gain confidence and strength enough to tell Luna about his true feelings for her. He doesn't have to become an elite four member, but if he did, that would show how much he has changed from when you first meet him to the last time you'll see him. It is quite alright for people to disagree with me, but this is what I see in Bennett as a character.
  13. I SO agree with you. At least that whole thing about the player being forced to read Titania's diary will be taken care of. Sure, the scene will still happen, but at least it will feel less more like it's your fault.
  14. I do like Bennett as a character for many different reasons. I only hope that he will try to become stronger on his own, instead of relying on El. It does bother me that even after he saw what El was doing to Luna, he still want to stay with him. I understand that El did help him find strength to leave his hometown and mother: a place with people who made him miserable, but El is not a good person.
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