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Everything posted by Lilleen

  1. I both agree and disagree. Bennett is one of the few characters I actually sympthyse with because of the way everyone (including his own mother) treated him and his hobby. When you first meet him, you can tell the game makes him look pathetic and weak. However, by leaving his mother and hometown, he has actually grown so much. Sure, he is quite misguided by El, but you can really see the change Bennett has went through. He actually exploited the fact that the player thought he was stupid when you meet him in 7th street. Personally, I'd be more interested in battling Laura than Bennett, but I would also want to see Bennett making it to elite 4 with or without El's help. It shows that while everyone, who knew him, doubted him, he didn't give up and could become something bigger than anything he'd ever wish for.
  2. It's just a thought, since there were choices around them both, but I understand it could be a bit problematic.
  3. I like to imagine that the way we treat them will decide who will become an elite 4 member.
  4. I've been so unsure of what my future will become of. I've always had this feeling of not being good at anything as well as I've felt that I could never live up to my siblings great carriers. There is also that I am a creative person. I love to write stories: create original characters and worlds. For such a long time, I thought I would become an author and while I do still want to become one, I've come to realize it is a gamble. A gamble I do not dare take. So now, I've decided to become a librarian and write beside the job. That way, I won't worry about only surviving through my writing skills.
  5. I've completely fallen out of the anime. I think the last episode I saw was when Serena was about to begin with her Pokémon showcase thingy, or whatever.
  6. I know now, no need to remind me. But maybe Bennett will never become an elite 4 member for all we know.
  7. I just guess that if Laura doesn't get back her place as an Elite 4 member, being replaced by Bennett, that he would be in her place, using her field instead of replacing it with something new that would benefit his Pokémon. Also, he could replace his old Pokémon with someone new like Leavanny, for instance.
  8. Hmm ... maybe, but I think the field was created for Laura and/or Bennett. There could be a possibility for the new field effect to be used, but I do doubt it.
  9. What was my point was that I think that part of the game could've been handeled a bit better than it was. I'm not saying Titania wasn't allowed to kill anyone because she's the "good" guy, but I felt that her killing off the meteors down in the sewers was a bit overdone for my liking. I have nothing against good guys being violent, because it does show how some good guys aren't nice, which is perfectly fine when done right.
  10. I don't like Titania either. Saphira is somewhat tolerable, since she does what she must to protect her family. The sewer adventure was my least favorite part of the game because of her. I get what that part of the game was going for, but I felt that Titania's overly violence was a bit overdone, in my opinion anyway.
  11. Hmm ... let's see here. Vero - Hmm ... perhaps Treecko. He seems like the type to have a more "badass" grass type, since grass types are often overlooked because of their numerous weaknesses. Alice - While I do agree she'd most likely fit best with Fenniken, she could also work with a Snivy as well, but my vote goes for Fenniken. Kuro - Mudkip. He looks like the type to use hard-hitting Pokémon like Swampert. Lucia - Cyndaquil. Hard to explain, but Lucia is the more tom-boy-ish out of the two female Protagonists, who'd most likely use very powerful Pokémon by her side. Ari - Bulbasaur. This was a hard one, as I can see any starter working for them, but I picked Bulbasaur, because they seems like the type to use something flower related, so Chikorita could work as well. Decibel - Turtwig. They seem like a gentle and caring person, so it fits with Torterra, who lets smaller Pokémon live on it's little "island".
  12. OMG, it is so beautiful, gimmeeeeeee!!! ... *Cough* I mean: Holy moly, maybe it is a Butterfree causing the sleep spell in Agate! O.O
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