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Everything posted by Lilleen

  1. Huh ... Butterfree never even crossed my mind, but it could perhaps be a Butterfree as well.
  2. 10/10 Beautiful colors and art.
  3. I SO agree with you on Cain, Ama. His character is one of the better in Reborn and he is a perfect rival in my eyes. Such a caring personality, but still isn't the happy-go-lucky type either. I can't wait to see more of him in future episodes. The fact that he went through so much to help Heather really speaks to me.
  4. PULSE machines are said to increase the power of Pokémon, so maybe it could increase the range? I don't know, but I do agree with your point, Ama.
  5. Why not? It could have the insomnia ability, preventing it from falling asleep. Beside, it doesn't have much of a choice when trapped in a machine, now, does it?
  6. Uhhh ... I like this game. Cofagrigus ~
  7. Wops, sorry 'bout that. ;-; But seriously, what in the world do I reply to this? No Pokémon begins with 2.
  8. You go pass them. You can barely see them standing on a bridge on the far right when you first enter Agate.
  9. I think it's either a Pokémon with sing or hypnosis. Yeah, the spore thing could work as well, but as someone stated: wouldn't the city be covered in dust? It is most likely just hypnosis, but I have a hard time coming up with a way to explain how the grunt in Agate and Terra didn't fall asleep. The only thing I can think of that can repel hypnosis is insomnia. At least with sing, they could repel it with earplugs. The song could be faint, so one barely hears it because it is carried around by the wind, but it is just loud enough to have you fall asleep.
  10. TFW you have to take math exam, even though you suck as math. (Seriously, I was nearly crying when they said my name)
  11. I honestly hope this doesn't happen. Pokémon wearing clothes looks stupid. The bowtie bother me already, it doesn't need clothes to look cool.
  12. Whatever this sleep spell is, it didn't affect Terra at all ... which makes me wonder if it is perhaps sing because it can be repelled with the ability soundproof. She could have weared some earplug. After all, she was "yelling" a lot when she appeared, which makes sense if she was wearing earplugs.
  13. I have a question. When you first meet Aya, she mentioned that Cain ran away and didn't take his Pokémon with him (beside his Nidoran): Meaning he might have had other Pokémon as well, but left them behind. Does Aya use any of his Pokémon he left behind? She wasn't really perpared to become the new poison type Gym leader, so it makes me wonder if she perhaps have borrowed some of Cain's Pokémon.
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