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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Lilleen

  1. Shelly, since I relate to her the most.
  2. Question of the day: Which Ultra Beast is your favorite? Mine is Nihilego! ^^

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zumi


      xurkitree tbh imo js

      have you seen it walking and running

      it's delightful

    3. doombotmecha


      Celesteela because it's just like the perfect stall mon and its steel-type and its a spaceship

      Xurkitree is a close second because of how weird it looks and how critically high its special attack is.

    4. WujiKyurem
  3. http://orig04.deviantart.net/05c6/f/2017/032/0/e/untitled_by_victoria2037_daxi1e4_by_victoria2037-daxi2c9.jpg My, oh my, I can really tell that I haven't drawn the Reborn characters for a god awful time, but here's something since I've finally reaches the events of episode 16. (yes, it took me this long ... let's just say I suck at playing Reborn and hate grinding)
  4. HOWDIE PALS! How are my fellow humans today? ~ 

    1. dan2



    2. Lilleen


      You're welcome, dear! ^-^

  5. Question of the day: What is your favorite music in Reborn? Mine is Atmosphere - Bright

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lugruf


      Atmosphere - Ametrine

    3. WujiKyurem


      Wow. I forgot how in love I was with Reborn's music. You'll just have to excuse me ^_^ 

      (I'm doing this for myself as well)


      Top 20 Pokemon Reborn Tracks


      01.)  Battle- Misc

      02.)  Atmosphere- Paranoia

      03.)  Atmosphere- Flux

      04.)  Battle- Meteor Admin

      05.)  Atmosphere- Summit

      06.)  Atmosphere- Majesty

      07.)  Atmosphere- New World

      08.)  White- Coral

      09.)  Reborn- Beryl

      10.)  Atmosphere- Peaks 

      11.)  Atmosphere- Splash

      12.)  Sinister Uprising

      13.)  Battle- Meteor

      14.)  Atmosphere- Explore

      15.)  Atmosphere- Mild

      16.)  Atmosphere- Dark Crystal

      17.)  Reborn- Seventh

      18.)  Battle- Wild3

      19.)  Atmosphere- Bright

      20.)  Atmosphere- Ametrine

    4. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      My favorite is the Gym Leader music in Reborn

  6. Question of the day: What Pokémon ability is your favorite? I like Sturdy and Cursed Body alot! ^^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      intimidate, probably

      either that or simple

    3. FairFamily


      I would say trace.

    4. Noivy


      Solid Rock. 

  7. Question of the day: What's your favorite kind of flowers? Mine is orchid! ^^

  8. Question of the day: What's your favorite cake? Mine is carrot-cake! ^^

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dypatome


      Cupcakes, of course! With lots of frosting.

    3. FairFamily


      Mine rule with cake is: "If you think you have enough chocolate on/in your cake, then you're wrong."

    4. doombotmecha


      red velvet but Fairfamily has spoken the truth.

  9. Question of the day: Who is your favorite protagonist (anything from book to movie to games, doesn't really matter to me)? Mine is Heather Mason from Silent Hill 3! ^^

    1. FairFamily


      So many to choose from. Well Ryudo from grandia 2 was probably the best.

    2. HughJ


      Either Lelouch Lamperouge from Code Geass, Captain America from the MCU, or Bobby Pendragon from the eponymous book series

    3. Dypatome


      I really like Adelina from the Young Elites series.

  10. Hey, guys. Just one more hour for me to go until I join 2017 as well. I would like to remind people that while alot of negative things have happened this year, don't let it overshadow the positive stuff that have happened too. This year has been one heck of a roller coaster ride, but we stuck with it to the very end no matter what. I think that deserves a pat on the shoulder!


    I'll see you soon in 2017. I'm ready for a brand new year and I hope you are too ~ 

  11. Question of the day: What is your favorite tea flavor? Mine is Forest Fruit! ^^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lilleen


      I think so, yes. 

    3. ZEL


      Hey, that's one of my favourites, too! My absolute fave is Chamomile, though.

    4. Lilleen



      I like Peach and Mango tea as well ~

  12. I'm gonna grab this opporunity while still having a PC available to wish you all a blessed merry christmas! Have a wonderful time with friends and family! ^^

    1. Dypatome


      Merry Christmas to you too!

    2. Alistair


      Thanks Lilleen. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones too!

  13. The christmas tree is finally up and I'm super happy! ^-^

    1. Alistair


      Haha, about time ;)

      Always good to read some positive stuff ^^

  14. Question of the day: Whats your favorite puzzle in Reborn? I like the forest one! ^^

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lilleen


      Yeah, plus I have the puzzle memorized, so I know my way to reach Spinel Town ~ 

    3. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Shelly's bookcase puzzle and the Blackstream Factory Pokemon puzzle I think are two of the most interesting puzzle concepts that Reborn has done.

    4. ZEL



      The Devon puzzle from E16. I always liked these types of puzzles, I enjoyed those Rocket Hideout puzzles from the canon games, too. Something about figuring out the right path in my head is kind of relaxing. I'd almost consider that puzzle an exercise to soothe the mind, if it weren't for the plot-induced distress that goes along with it.


  15. There's nothing like spending your morning drawing while listning to rock music ~ 

    And drinking some coffee of course! ^^

    1. Wolfox


      Swap the coffee for some tea and I'll join you

    2. Lilleen


      Tea is nice as well ~ 

  16. Hmmm ... ah, yes, I think this one. Ah, Silent Hill 3, my favorite game from this series. And by far, my favorite protagonist is Heather Mason (or Cheryl, but I prefer referring to her as Heather as to not confuse her with another character by the same name). Not only because she's the only female protagonist in the main series of games, but because she goes through such big amount of changes throughout the game. She begins as this snarky, sterotypical teenager and by the end, it more mature and easier to sympathize with. She's a flawed character that is very relatable. Another thing I appreciate about Heather is how she's not a victim of being sexulized for her gender. Sure, she wears a miniskirt, but there's never once a shot that was uncomfortable nor trying to sexualize her. She's a teenage girl and is respected as one by the game creators.
  17. Question of the day: What's your favorite Pokémon based of an inanimate object? Mine is Banette! ~ 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CrossImpact


      so does Charjabug count as a bug or a battery? I'm still not sure but I heavily cheered for that little guy.

      other than that, Chandelure (no haterino) ~~ chandeliers are pretty noble!

    3. Lilleen


      With it being classified by the dex as "The Battery Pokémon", I think I'll let that one slide.

    4. Alistair


      Magnemite cuz yanno, gotta praise the holy magnet and stuff

  18. Tfw you wake up 5 am and your body decides: You've had enough sleep for tonight, now, haven't you?

    1. sound of silence

      sound of silence

      The pain, I know it all too well.

  19. Question of the day: What Pokémon is your favorite as a shiny? Mine is Trevenant! ^^

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Alistair


      Ikr, Reborn's shinies are awesome, between fabulousness and badassery ^^

    3. Lugruf


      Reborn Volcarona

    4. DemICE


      reborn Arbok

  20. Question of the day: What's your favorite ice cream falvor? Mine is pistachio! ^^

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CrossImpact


      Chocolate all the way!
      there's a restaurant in the city that doesn't even sell pure chocolate sundae, it's always gotta be with some fruit all over it. GAH! 

    3. Ojama Yellow
    4. WujiKyurem
  21. Question of the day: What's your favorite winter activity? Mine is skiing! ^^

    1. dotahkin01


      Wishing you a merry chrismas <3!!


      JK, i love skiing on holidays :)

    2. Alistair


      Lurking on the forum like a total loser! Yee

    3. dan2



      but i have to wait until spring to ski this year =(

  22. Question of the day: What's your favorite kind of christmas snack? I like gingerbread and something called marvposteier in my language alot. ^^

    1. Alistair


      Hmm, it's a bit of a lame answer but I just like the chocolates boxes people offer me for Christmas. That and Easter are pretty much the only times of the year I get to eat lots of chocolate! I'm not big on sugary food generally speaking so, other than that I don't really care about Xmas snacks.

  23. It's okay, I'm just not the biggest fan of that kind of humor. You're forgiven ~
  24. Oh dear lord, gosh darn it! It's NOT meant like that, Jesus Christ ...
  25. Question of the day: If you could learn one language, what would that be? I think it would be very cool to learn Japaneese! ^^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DemICE


      well,  in this day and age ?   japanese.. ofc

    3. Alistair


      Japanese seems to be the obvious pick for weebs like us! But maybe I'd like to try Russian as well.

    4. CrossImpact


      though Japanese would be super cool I'd go with Mandarin. both Chinese and Korean still sound like total gibberish to me because 0 vocab.

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