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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Lilleen

  1. Today I learned that there still a tiny chance that I have to take a french exam ... even though I'm still going to have french next year ... because French 1 and French 2 are treated as two different subjects.
  2. (Seriously? Only ONE friggin' Pokémon begins with X?!) Xerneas ~
  3. (I haven't played Black nor White) I tried to use one of the monkeys during my first run of Reborn (I think it was the water one), but I just didn't like it. I don't really care for the monkeys. I get what Game Freak was going for, but I just don't care. Plus, I really don't like that they have five fingers ... it creeps me out, okay?
  4. Brilliant, everyone of them, especially the one about Solaris needing a vacation. I lol'ed.
  5. If you side with El, you will still fight the Ditto Arceus, but if you lose to El, the plot will continue. However, by siding with Radomus, you have to defeat the Ditto Arceus for the plot to continue. Either use Perish Song or Destiny Bond, or use a move like earthquake to cause stones to fall on it. That's my best advise.
  6. Agreed. Reborn and Insurgence are two very different games made on different premises, as you said it yourself: Reborn is more about creating a challenging and darker Pokémon game directed to adults. Insurgence, while still having a dark story, is more about creating a game that is fun with neat changes that people always have wanted (removed HM, new mega-evolution for those who deserved, but didn't get, etc.)
  7. I think Pokémon based off inanimate objects are cool, when done right, of course. While I am not the biggest fan of the different forms of Rotom (except for Mow Rotom, love me some shark teeth), other Pokémon tend to look beautiful even if they're based of an inaminate object, like Chandelure and Cofagrigus.
  8. I don't mean to sound mean, or anything, but Mega Altaria doesn't look like the type of peacock I was thinking of. I like one with more darker colors that actually resembles what a peacock looks like.
  9. Ass kicking kangeroo? o.o (Obviously fighting type) Also, Peafowl? (It could be ... I dunno, fairy/flying or something) Raven? (It could be either dark/flying or ghost/flying, since ravens are said to bring death with them) Totem pole? (Psychic and ... something else) Artict fox? (Ice) Uhm ... yeah.
  10. Lonely Swadloon "Quick Tempered" If I were to be placed in a room with a group of different people, I would probably be the silent listener. (I would also probably do anything to get out of that room because the clautrophobia in me would scream) I don't tend to be the most talkative person, but I do listen whenever people feel like talking to me. However, I am also quite easily offended and have a habit of saying hurtful things when I don't really mean it. Just looking at a Swadloon makes me think: "That looks like me!", all wrapped up in its little leaf blanket ... I like blankets.
  11. *Wakes up as a Rapidash* Uhm ... something doesn't feel right ... *Discover that I am turned into a fire unicorn* Oh, shit ...
  12. Druddigon. It has a very cool design, but it just flat out boring of a Pokémon. Something needs to happen to this fellow. Torkoal. Because ... because ... it just needs one, alright?! Plus its speed is horrible. All the "Pikachu-clones" out there. Being cute doesn't help you in battle if you're weak as fudge. Volbeat & Illumise. Give them a second type, like electric or something. Durant. I keep forgetting this Pokémon even exist. An evolution would do something about it. Dunsparce. Just look at its sad little face. It's so forgotton, it's unbeliveble. Castform. The weather gimmick is cool, but castform does suck. It would be cool if it changed type depending on the weather or something. Purugly. MAKE THE KITTY FATTER! I know that this is a bad excuse, but I just really want to see a bigger, fatter Purugly. I think it's an awesome Pokémon.
  13. O.O Pretty colors. ^^ But dang, it looks complicated.
  14. I thought the story was great. Sure, it wasn't as exciting as Reborn, but it is still better your average Pokémon game. The thing that did bothered me with the story, was how so many people had access to a legendary Pokémon. I understand that the reason for it is to give you a bit more difficulty when it comes to defeat a NPC that has a legendary on their team. I just felt that it was a big too much. Usually, an "important" NPC would have 6 pokémon, one being a legendary, another being a mega-evolution and/or delta Pokémon. Showing off the different "types" of Pokémon is great and all, but the legendaries lost some of their sparkle that makes them special. They are called legendaries for a reason. Also, another thing was how one NPC said "The legendaries doesn't agree with what the person, that they are following, wants to do to the world". Then WHY in the world do they follow these people?! Darkrai was seen leaving the leader of the Darkrai cult without any problem what so ever. It's not like the legendaries are forced to join the powerless humans.
  15. I must day, I'm really impressed with how long you have come with this Nuzlocke. Alot of people, who have tried, loses the challenge early on in the game. Stay strong, my friend! Also, I love you're hilarious comments. You, my friend, are a genius.
  16. Back with some new drawings. Decided to draw all of the protagonists, heh. Alice and Lucia - http://orig09.deviantart.net/e72c/f/2016/114/c/4/untitled_by_victoria2037_da025sg_by_victoria2037-da02b8e.jpg Ari and Decibel - http://orig07.deviantart.net/44e1/f/2016/114/3/b/untitled_by_victoria2037_da025ro_by_victoria2037-da02b85.jpg Kuro and Vero - http://orig12.deviantart.net/46e6/f/2016/114/3/c/untitled_by_victoria2037_da025q2_by_victoria2037-da02b7k.jpg BONUS! (Amaria & Titania) - http://orig05.deviantart.net/f11d/f/2016/114/f/1/untitled_by_victoria2037_da025qu_by_victoria2037-da02b7w.jpg
  17. She looks gorgeous, my friend! ^^
  18. https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/zkfgv/prey/ It's in four parts, you'll find the links to the other parts at the end of the parts. I just wanna warn you that the story was never truely finished for unknown reasons. I would still recommend the story, though. It damn well written.
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