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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Lilleen

  1. I can agree that it would be nice to see Victoria some more (she would've been my favorite rival if it weren't for that she'd had to leave so soon), but I have my doubts that she would kill anyone.
  2. I have a couple of shinies I screenshot while playing (Didn't catch them, tho) : Buneary - http://bildr.no/image/K1NrelQz.jpeg Crustle - http://bildr.no/image/cFpUVFp2.jpeg Doduo - http://bildr.no/image/NDFXRFhN.jpeg Dwebble - http://bildr.no/image/TFFYUTVm.jpeg Ekans - http://bildr.no/image/a2hnQ1oy.jpeg Foongus - http://bildr.no/image/Z1VjN2Nr.jpeg Gravler - http://bildr.no/image/ZnlIOGxn.jpeg Grimer - http://bildr.no/image/c2pRYkJD.jpeg Pancham - http://bildr.no/image/Mi9GYkJk.jpeg Patrat - http://bildr.no/image/RkxJVUhl.jpeg Roggenrola - http://bildr.no/image/d3NZY0E5.jpeg Scatterbug - http://bildr.no/image/Mi90cDV5.jpeg Sewaddle - http://bildr.no/image/MS9jSlhB.jpeg Spearow - http://bildr.no/image/TGl3RVJw.jpeg Trubbish - http://bildr.no/image/Wkk2NmpI.jpeg
  3. A mini comic from the scene right before Heather is kidnapped by Sigmund (aka. Creepy doctor) : http://bildr.no/image/UnJJNlcw.jpeg
  4. http://victoria2037.deviantart.com/art/The-Pokemon-Reborn-logo-587906872 Felt like drawing the logo, because it's beautiful (I love the color combinations ^^) (Sorry if my english is a bit off, I'm not a native speaker of the english language.)
  5. I have this scary feeling that we shouldn't underestimate him, despite rock usually being a type that is easily taken down. Hardy is probably one of my favorite gym leaders. He stays posetive, even through the darkest times of Reborn.
  6. I had honestly forgotten Saphira (sorry, my bad).
  7. I really get your point, I really do. I believe that whole sewer part was meant to test us: would we care of a character representing the good side murders several of the characters representing the evil side? Some say they didn't care if Tania did so and that Team Meteor deserved and I can agree that one shouldn't feel mercy or pity towards them. But there is still a part of me, really deep in my heart, that says killing them off isn't the solution. It's not because I don't think they deserve it, but rather the fact that I felt that it wasn't the right thing to do. Then again, what is right and wrong in the region of Reborn?
  8. I also felt that way about what Tania did in the sewers. I understand that she's not supposed to be a nice good guy, but killing off the Team Meteor members/cultist makes her no different from them, even if she felt they deserved it.
  9. These are just small issues I had: - The chess puzzle, because I have only played chess once, and that was many years ago. I don't know the rules or understand them and I litterally had to have my father play Reborn with me to solve the puzzle. - I really felt like when it was revealed that Fern was a part of Team Meteor would've fit better when they try trick Florina into thinking he was captured by them. I felt odd and not really suprised at all when he came down the stairs behind the invincible wall. It would've been more suprinsing (if even a plot twist) if we discovered his true self at Amaria's gym instead. - I felt uncomfortable reading Titania's diary. I would'nt have done that usually, because it means stepping into someones private life which doesn't involve you (usually). I also didn't like that you were forced to do it. I think maybe if you left the gym or went into a different room and entered the room with the diary, you'd find Amaria reading it instead would've been a better option for those who (including me) didn't want to read Titanias diary. - I didn't always understand what Terra said, because I'm not all that into the internet language or whatever she talked. (Also, I just don't understand why she'd help Team Meteor. From what I did understand, she was just a girl with a ... interesting personality, but she didn't seem like the person who'd commit crimes.) - The characters I dislike other than Fern is Dr. Sigmund and El. I don't like crazy, creepy doctors or insane cultists. No, just no. Keep away from me. - I don't know if anyone else experienced this, but while you're down the sewers together with Titania, if you enter a spesific room, you'll find a Pokéball containing a Pokémon in it. I don't know if its randome and I was just unlucky, but when I picked that certain Pokémon, it was a Fenniken, but I had picked a Fenniken as a my starter. It kind of bugged me, not that I am sure I would've used the Pokémon I'd recieved then (it depends, of course). - One last thing is how brutal Titania is while you're down in the sewers with her. She murders alot of people without a care. I just felt like it was out of place. Now, I understand that she's supposed to resemble a person who isolate themselves from feelings and being attached to someone else, but the things she did in the sewers were just out of her character (in my opinion).
  10. That price goes to Luna and Ciel. I knew dark types would be some trouble, since the only Pokémon who were strong against dark was my Hariyama. It took forever to finally beat her and I felt satisfied when I did. But the birds, the freaking birds, was my least concern. I thought my Glaceon, Luna, would sweep the floor with them, but I was dead wrong. I actually had to do something I had never done playing a Pokémon game: plan a strategy for the battle with Ciel. I had to use every single one of my Pokémons for the specific Pokémon Ciel threw at me. Not to mention that when I realized over half of my team was overleveled (which also made them disobey me), I didn't have the money to buy any common candy. It was pure luck that I finally beat Ciel. I remember how my dad jumped because I was screaming out of happiness.
  11. Two Pokémon suprised me during my run of Reborn, which is Pachirisu and Stoutland. Sparks (the pachirisu) was very useful in the first gym, since she had volt absorb as her ability, making Julia a piece of cake. I kept Sparks on the team for a long time, but sadly had to replace her with Dolly (the amphoros) because she was too weak to beat Ciel (which took me forever to beat even with type the advantages) Lucas (the stoutland) was a Pokémon I didn't expect to use. I thought he would stay in the PC, like a whole bunch of other Pokémon you can obtain or find wandering in randome buildings. When I first obtained the Lillipup from the old man, I didn't expect anything from him, but decided to give him a chance. Once he evolved into herdier, I was shocked at how strong Lucas was, helping me beat Shade with chrunch. He is one of the oldest member (if you can even say that) in my team beside my starter.
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