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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Lilleen

  1. ... It's November 25th today..

    1. Lilleen



    2. Yours Truly

      Yours Truly

      Christmas time is here by golly

      Disapproval would be folly

    3. Alistair


      No one can be ready for Xmas

      Xmas is ready for you

  2. If the story nor the atmosphere can back up the ending, then it might feel forced and/or unnartural.
  3. Eh, I've never really understood the while "Gardevoir is my waifu" business anyway. I mean, it's pretty and all, but it's not like I would want to marry one.
  4. I think that like every battle, it really depends on your team. I've done several runs of Reborn. On one of them, I actually beat them on the first try. I guess I like the battle since it's a great battle for what will be the last battle against Aster and Eclipse as a pair. I really like those clowns.
  5. Another memorable battle, IMO, is: Player & Aya VS Aster & Eclipse This battle took me FOREVER to beat the first time I played this game. Of course, the biggest reason was because I was a noob and had literally no idea how to play Pokémon properly. But this battle still is a good battle, even if the cutscene afterwards is rather sad. Gosh, I'mma miss these two clowns.
  6. It's so foggy outside in my town, you can barely see what's ahead of you. I swear to god, if I've been transported to some kind of fog-world of my own town filled with monsters, I will freak out. And get my frying pan.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Alistair


      time to put dat Sunny Day TM to use then

    3. Lilleen


      I don't like sun or heat either. I'm hopeless.

    4. Alistair


      rayquaza's air lock, checkmate!

  7. Player & Florina VS Solaris & ... whats-his-face inside Amaria's house. If there was one thing I did not expect, it was a second battle against Solaris. What's better is that it feels like a more legit battle than when he wrecked the player at that volcano. I think I would've preferred if it was just the player against Solaris alone, since then it feels more like YOU'RE destroying him on your own. But nonetheless, I still really like this battle.
  8. http://orig03.deviantart.net/2408/f/2016/311/8/9/good_friends_2_by_peachdalooza-danlsjt.jpg
  9. And now I just reminded myself of why I don't take pictures of my drawings on the phone and then upload them on my PC: Because my phone is a mean S.O.B.

  10. I'd say Fenniken is a good pokémon, since with it, you have the advantage over all three of your rivals.
  11. Which Reborn gym leader do you concider most and least memorable? Personally, I will say Shelly is the most memorable and Serra is the least memorable IMO.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HughJ


      Radomus for most and Hardy for least

    3. Caraboo


      Most memorable for me would have to be Ciel for the sheer difficulty I had beating her. Least memorable... Well, when I read 'Serra' I went 'who' so... her. I still can't remember who she is.

    4. Alistair


      ice mother of bug boy

  12. His mental age could be 12 ... or 5. Depends on how one wish to view it.
  13. I'm not saying he's one of the bad guys. I just think he might've had some history with Meteor. I personally like to think of Radomus as an anti-hero.
  14. I thought Cain was 18, y'know, the same age as the MC? As for my favorite quote from him ... must be this one: "I am but a damsel, imprisoned and distressed! Save me, my darling prince!"
  15. I believe he is related to the orphan twins and Team Meteor. It's obvious that he at least recognized the Amethyst pendant. There's also the fact that the twins looks similar to Radomus as well. Same black hair and pink eye color. As for Meteor, well there's the fact that he has a Meteor uniform (which he, btw, points out even in the game) is VERY suspisous.
  16. Gen I: Bulbasaur. Gen II: Chikorita Gen III: Mudkip Gen IV: Piplup Gen V: Snivy Gen VI: Fenniken Gen VII: Undecided
  17. It's a bit hard for me to guess since we know very little about Adrienn. I think it's safe to say xe will have a mega as xyr ace. What mega, I have no idea.
  18. My brother had downloaded the game and told me I should play it as well.
  19. "You wake up in the last video game you played. It's your life now." So I'm thrown into this region where the main city is polluted and destroyed by earthquakes, which terrorists stands behind. I will be forced to watch people die throughout my journey and nearly have myself killed by said terrorist group because I'm an quote un quote "annoying yapping puppy". But hey, at least I get to train some powerful monsters. That should make this journey worth it, right?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Lilleen


      Good luck, soldier!

    3. dragoniteborntacoz


      i honestly feel like im in more danger of dying in rejuv

      that and anime logic gives me a headache so im screwed

    4. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      I'm on Runeterra. Stay away from Noxians.

  20. You know what? I'm sick and tired of people using the word "edgy" in a negative way. I like Reborn because it brings up interesting realistic themes up such as depression, suicide and terrorism. I've never really looked at Reborn as "edgy", if I'm gonna be honest. If anything, Reborns world-building is a very different approach from the official games in a good way. I like that some of the people that is supposed to be on the same side as yourself does questionable ethical acts such as murder and whatnot. I know that in the past, I have shared my rather negative thoughts regarding Titania's actions in the sewers. You wanna know something funny? I find Titania's character one of the more interesting characters out there, even if she's a bit over-the-top at times.
  21. Let's see here: - I take a nap whenever I'm sad. It usually helps. - I try my best to only buy chocolate whenever I've really deserved it or are going to bake something. - I always make tea to bring it with me to school so I won't be cold during winter and cold water with ice cubes to not dehydrate during summer. - Take a walk through the forest I live nearby.
  22. Tfw you open up Reborn and goes to a spesific place not to play the game, but to simply listen to the beautiful music ~
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