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Everything posted by Lilleen

  1. Arceus: "It is said to have emerged from an egg in a place where there was nothing, then shaped the world."
  2. I know I should clean my room ... but I don't want to. There are papers and dust bunnies there..

  3. Okay..? Lilleen - Type: Normal/Grass - Ability: Oblivious - Nature: Lonely - Moves: Forest's Curse, Double Slap, Hyper Voice, Power Whip
  4. Sooo, this christmas I'mma try to learn "Christmas Carol" on the piano (again) ... I think I've gone mad.

  5. Soo ... that french test went horrible. Nice, over to study for my history test tomorrow then! *thumbs up*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lilleen


      Nah, it's just that these tests comes one after another. The teachers sorta have a system for it, so it isn't rare to end up having several tests in a row.

    3. Alistair


      welp, good luck for whatever comes next! you're gonna rock it!

    4. Lilleen


      Aw, thank you!

  6. I will rage-quit Reborn if that is the case.
  7. Gimme motivation to study for my french test tomorrow ...

  8. I think SOMETHING will happen to Bennett that'll give Laura her position as an E4 memeber back, but I doubt he'll die. He'll just get dragged by the ear by his mother. I have a feeling someone ... less obvious will die, like Sirius or perhaps even Solaris. I'm not sure, but I feel like it's a bit too easy to assume Taka and ZEL. Their characters doesn't feel fulfilled enough for me. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's just my theory and no, it's not a friggin' game theory.
  9. I did it, guys! I finally did it! About friggin' time as well! I proved my brother wrong and showed him that I have WAY more patient than he could ever dream of!

    1. Odybld


      Well what was the contest?

    2. Lilleen


      He wanted me to "give-him-five", but I didn't want to. He tried to psych me by having his arm reached against my face and when that didn't work, he gave up. I think he was trying to test my patient or something. He likes doing that to people sometimes..

  10. I actually like some of the movies: Mewtwo strikes back Spell the Unown Rise of Darkrai Zoroark - The master of Illusion Lucario and the mystery of Mew The others are either "meh" or terrible in my opinion.
  11. That awkward feeling when almost your whole class had dressed up for "the pink day" and you hadn't.
  12. I have a theory that the closed doors might have something to do with the place where you fight against El's Ditto-Arceus.
  13. I'm ... actually pretty scared of this field, right now.
  14. Uhm ... *Drops this piece of Amaria and Titania fan-art* Bye-bye! *Runs off* http://orig04.deviantart.net/ca27/f/2016/302/b/d/untitled_by_victoria2037_dammad4_by_victoria2037-dammb44.jpg
  15. Currently on my last year at high school. Beside school, I'm just at my home either watching stuff on youtube, reading comics on deviantart or drawing. I also have piano lessons one day every week.
  16. Tfw you create a character so creepy you're starting to question what the heck is going on inside your own head.
  17. I'm very facinated by how useless my left hand is. It just sits there like: "..I dunno how to write with a pen."

    1. Spineblade


      It just feels so weird in the left hand. It makes me realise I have no idea where the pen is in my right hand.

    2. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Same but with right hand instead for me

    3. Alistair


      Can't write with my left hand, but I still use it quite a lot. For instance, I often feel I have more strength in it than the right.

  18. What's your favorite color? Mine is green!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Spineblade


      Green is cool! Ignore combat medic.

    3. Ironbound


      My alt name means 'green'.

    4. Notus
  19. Fire: Fenniken. I love this evolution line. I will agree that it's a bit off how Braixen and Delphox is standing on two legs despite Fenniken being on all four legs, but I love the combination of fire and psychic ~ Water: Hard choice, but I'm going with Mudkip. I love every stage of this evolution line and the combination of water and ground is beautiful. Grass: Chikorita!! My favorite starter overall because of how adorable it is! I love its design and it has never failed me if I picked it up during any run of any Pokémon game. It holds a very special place in my heart ~
  20. "What is on your mind?" Alot of strange and messed up stuff, I tell ya..

  21. I don't know if it counts, but I prefer the legendaries that were created by man (Mewtwo, Megearna, Genesect, etc). Why? I like the general idea of scientists (and whatnot) trying to create a powerful being under their control, but then the whole being turns back at them. I like the whole "be careful with science" message. Sometimes, we humans are way too curious for our own good.. BUT in case that doesn't count (since it's not really a lore, heh), then I'll pick the lore of Zekrom and Reshiram. It's an interesting lore and tells a really deep and meaningful story about both the legendaries and the humans.
  22. I feel like the whole sewer part of this game wasn't executed in the right way. It makes it seem as though it is perfectly alright to murder people who have done nothing to you. Which it is not. I get what Ame was going for with the whole "bad-guys-can-be-the-victims-as-well" and "not-every-good-guy-acts-like-a-good-guy", but with Titania, it goes a bit too far for my taste. Even when Taka pointed this out to her, she was like "Oh ..." and thats about it! ... you know what, I've given up on the whole deal with Titania at this point. She's not my type of character. Guess I gotta live with that. Let it be known that I hold nothing against people who like her character. I just ... don't.
  23. I'm back from Greece, guys! It was fun being there, but man does it feel good to be back home ~

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lilleen


      I liked Tolo. Sure, it may not be anything special, but I found it charming.

    3. dan2


      Out of the three places I visited, Nafplio was probably my favorite. Palamidi was very fun to walk around in.

    4. dan2


      There were like 9 cats at Mystras though. Seeing cats at an old fort was pretty great too.

  24. Technically, he didn't. Yes, his Magmortar did throw Kiki's Medicham into the lava, but Solaris gave the order.
  25. Better characterzation. Now, I'm not saying that every Pokémon games are bad at characterzation. There are some pretty nice characters like Silver, Cynthia and N. The problem is that I feel like not every character is given a nice personality to make them memorable. They sometimes just thows in a character with a half decent design and little to none personality. I'd rather have a Pokémon game with fewer character with an actual personality rather than many characters with no personalities. This is where fan-games like Reborn and Rejuvenation excels at. These games have many characters, but are able to give them personalities that makes them stand out from one another.
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