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Everything posted by Lilleen

  1. This is where I differ. Of course, I won't argue against anyone who dislike Bennett, because it's pointless. An opinion on a character is something one can discuss without going anywhere with. I just wanna say that I get it. I get why people dislike Bennett. I see peoples point of him being a creep and helping El as a bad thing. And I too see it that way. I'm not trying to say that Bennett is innocent, because he isn't. He has done bad things, even though he tries to convince himself that "it's the best for *insert Reborn character here*". Also his apporach of Luna before your battle with her was immensly creepy. But what I also see is a boy who was miserable, even if he didn't realize it himself. His mother didn't care about him and people in Spinel Town also talked him down. El was possibly the first person who had given him a complement. Also, taking Bennett out of his hometown provided something new to Bennett. It is unfortunate that the only reason El cares about him is because of his information on Lunas wherabouts. I'll admit that at first, I didn't like Bennett. However, when I played through Reborn once more, I actually realized how terribly people treated him, especially his mother: Commanding him around and not give a damn about what he loves to do. Again, I'm not trying to convince people that he's a good character, or innocent or that other people should feel sorry for him just because I do so. I just wanna say what I have to say about Bennett. It's totally alright to diagree. I ain't gonna bite your head off for that.
  2. This is the one part of me that feels sorry for Bennett. The other is in general his story. Being ignored at first by everyone in Spinel Town and then suddenly being (willingly) kidnapped and brainwashed by a crazy cultist. I seriously hope something or someone will help him, because I don't want to see him get underserving punishment.
  3. New Pokémon, weee!! - Wimpod looks creepy, but I do like its typing. - Bounsweet is adorable. Gimme!! - Comfey is freaking cute, though it should've been grass/fairy. - Mudsdale is ... interesting. - Mimikyu is just wonderful. Also, that typing is beautiful ~ - Bewear was cute at first until I learned that it's 2,11 meters tall ... good lord, now I understand why people of Alola are terrified of it.
  4. Krystal seems like an interesting character. Looking foward to see her again. ~ Yes, yes I did. I know it might not have been the best choice, but I honestly don't care. Flora was an annoying character from the get go. That said, I might have liked her more if I paired up with her, but as for now, I don't regret exposing of her. EDIT: I felt like I should explain myself a bit more here, because I realized I did sound quite heartless here. The reason I exposed of her is because she gave me a bad first impression. When you first meet Flora, she shouts at you to leave. When Florin offers a gym battle between you and Flora, she straight up refuses to do so. The first thing she does when we fall down into the cell was yelling at her brother, making it seem like he is in fault of them falling down the trap. She also complains when Erin is in charge. Flora was just an irritating character to me who seemed like she was only able to complain about everything. I really dislike both characters and people IRL like this. I battled against Florin. I set up Swagger with my Mightyena until Cradily knocked her out. I then sent out my Mawile who knocked it out with Iron Head. As for M-Sceptile, I sent out Vanilluxe (who barely survived an attack from it), who OHKO'ed the Sceptile with Ice Beam. The Jumpluff was taken down by two Flamethrowers from my Delphox. They're all dead (lol, kidding). I don't know what to think of them as for now. Yeah, but I felt cheated when the only thing that was there was the Light Ball.
  5. I see your point, but having an established character in a Pokémon game doesn't always work: - First off, no matter what personality you give him/her/xe, there will always be someone who will complain about it. - Second is that in a game such as Reborn, were there are very many different characters with different personality, it would be hard to make up your own opinion about them if what you see of them is through the MC. (I'm not saying it's impossible) - Third is that I have this feeling that if the MC was given a personality, not many of other characters, such as Cal at the beginning, would open themselves so up to the MC. That one pro with silent protagonist: because they don't talk, other characters may have a better time opening themselves up to the MC because they usually don't judge them. There are some parts of Reborn I wish the MC had a personality, but when I think of the game as a whole, it suits that it is a silent protagonist.
  6. I've found out something incredibly important that I MUST share it with the world, eh, I mean the Reborn community. I have found out that I am a strange creature with green eyes!

  7. Fan Games: - Reborn - Rejuvenation - Spork - Insurgence - Goodra - Legends of the area - Revelation - Metal ROMS: - Broken Timelines - Cloud White - Cyan - Dark Rising 1 - Dark Rising 2 - Eclipse - Flame of Rage - Flora Sky - Fuligin - Gaia - Genesis - Harvest Craft - Infernal Legends - Life Guardians - Light Platinum - Liquid Crystal - Rescue Rangers - Rijon - Shining Opal - Skyline - Ultra Violet - Dark Violet In other words: a bunch.
  8. Just finished the game and I must say that I enjoyed it. Charming characters and fun to play. A job well done, ICSW! ^-^
  9. What is your favorite Pokémon game? What is your least favorite season? What music do you like? If I made you some pudding salad with jellyfish, would you eat it?
  10. There exist already a creepypasta about Pokémon Go ... just why?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~


      -Original CopyPasta don't steal

    3. SilverJakler
    4. Lilleen


      Pffft, the creepypasta community in a nutshell.

      It's a shame, really. There are some good stories, but they are overshadowed and buried under crappy pastas such as JTK.

  11. Why don't you have a god damn job when you're eighteen and have no reason to sit in the same couch every single day doing absolutely nothing?!
  12. I can't really remember the quote, but the monologue Melia had after what happened on the mountain on that tropical island (I'm horrible with names, alright?!) was quite emotional.
  13. Everyone is busy with Pokémon Go and I just sit here like "YouTube is love, YouTube is life" ~

  14. I've done some, but I usually lose the challenge pretty early. It is a fun challenge, but not so fun for noobs like myself when you just lose early on.
  15. I'm so glad you didn't use ralts. I dislike its typing and in general have a bitter relationship with the ralts line. I'm so looking forward to see you kick Blakes ass. Actually one of the few Meteors that pisses me off. Wreck him.
  16. We're all different. I know people who can't stand naps. It's fine.
  17. I wish I could say I try to calm myself down by watching funny youtube videos, doing stuff I like, etc. However, that would be lying. I usually take a nap after crying or whenever I don't feel too well. I also try to keep away from people as well. However, back to the nap. Take a nap for en hour-ish and I usually feel much better.
  18. Btw, if you really wanna talk about games that try too hard to be edgy, I recommend Snakewood (as mentioned before) and CAWPS ~
  19. Believe me, Snakewood is not the only "trying-to-be-edgy" fan-game.
  20. If you don't like it, don't play it. No one forces you.
  21. It is implied that Sirius burned down the house to get the saphire bracelet.
  22. I am a sheep with golden fur ~

  23. Agreed. I'm already struggling with human shaped Pokémon like Sawk. There isn't really any concept I absolutly don't want to see. I just hope they stop putting cloths on Pokémon. It looks stupid.
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