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About Femble

  • Birthday 04/18/1998

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  • Location
    United States

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  1. Happy birthday hope it's a good one

  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  3. looking for 6iv headsmash corsala if possible, at-least 4 would appreciate it a lot thank you femble in game name hmu for when u want to trade i can give decent ived shiny abra
  4. Ok im on now, ill wait for request Id: Femble
  5. If you could trade them itd be a huge help, just tell me when you are on
  6. Would appreciate all of these If possible 4+ IV Thank you in advance Ingame name: femble
  7. Thank you frend i appreciate it enjoy my fail shiny i got from breeding my 6iv shiny gardevoir from scratch (only pokemon worth that anguish lmao)
  8. Sorry just got back, id be ready just tell me when you are lmao, thanks (if its easier i can add you on discord for it but again thanks)
  9. Yah, i want to breed and its looking rough rn, if i could get one itd be much appreciated but I am not holding my breath tbh Ingame Name: Femble Thanks and have a great day guys
  10. Nah got a perfect shiny after a few hours, thanks tho
  11. Thank you very much, enjoy one of my fail shiny gardevoirs from me breeding
  12. Femble, and roselia would be preferred if possible
  13. Do you know what time of day it would be? Updated and am searching but i still cannot find it If possible to trade me one id much appreciate it tbh
  14. Hey, right now I am on episode 17 of reborn after the city has been restored/defeating Ceil reluctant to upgrade to 18 after budew was removed, i was wondering where exactly i can find wild roselia in the game. And if there are specific conditions that need to be met to find it in the wild. I've looked for about an hour and wondering if Im unlucky or missing something. Thanks
  15. Femble


    okay thank you so much..... found it first try after chaing my clock on my cpu.... now i feel sad, bye bye hour of my life :'(
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