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Cool Girl

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86 Samaritan

About Cool Girl

  • Birthday 06/19/1999

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  • Alias
    Cool Girl
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  • Location
    Sunnyvale, CA
  • Interests
    Anime, Playing video games, Journalism, Writing, Voice Acting and Acting!

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    Cool Girl#6637
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  1. So some of you may have heard my opinion on Attack on Titan. I said I did not like it, possibly because it was so overhyped to me and when you overhype something to me, I have really high expectations..I'm now giving Attack On Titan another chance..


    Holy s***! What the hell was I thinking! This anime is awesome! I really like it so far!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedAlert


      AoT is one of my favorite anime, especially because of the way the creator has envisioned and expanded the plot. If you read the manga, you'll come to know a lot of the history behind it and what exactly the reason for the titans' attack is taking place. If you're not planning to, hopefully season 3 will catch up to it.


      I like it because it places a lot of emphasis on going with the flow; sometimes making instantaneous decisions is a difficult thing and you'll be racked with guilt, and it teaches you that action that is more important than reasoning in certain circumstances.

    3. Jmanultrax1


      watch hero academy instead :3

    4. 5hift


      I do think it was pretty overhyped I mean don't get me wrong, it's a pretty damn good show but I'm a little annoyed that the studio took this long to produce a second season because it really felt like they were milking the success of the first season all while the manga just continued chugging on.

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