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Cool Girl

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86 Samaritan

About Cool Girl

  • Birthday 06/19/1999

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  • Alias
    Cool Girl
  • Gender
  • Location
    Sunnyvale, CA
  • Interests
    Anime, Playing video games, Journalism, Writing, Voice Acting and Acting!

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    Cool Girl#6637
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  1. Would you rather have Tepig or Torchic as your first starter in Reborn?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      But, between the two, which one would you pick. I mean, this is a "would you rather" game!

    3. BreezyPonie


      Tepig. Through hell or high waters I will NOT stoop down to using such an overpowered starter to cheese the game.

    4. Cepheus


      Torchic everyday... it's just THE cutest starter of ALL!

      (also Speed Boost)

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