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Cool Girl

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86 Samaritan

About Cool Girl

  • Birthday 06/19/1999

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  • Alias
    Cool Girl
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  • Location
    Sunnyvale, CA
  • Interests
    Anime, Playing video games, Journalism, Writing, Voice Acting and Acting!

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    Cool Girl#6637
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  1. So I heard Suicide Squad got negative reviews. Damn, what happened? Batman v Superman and now Suicide Squad. Is DC losing its cool or what?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. 5hift


      Well The Dark Knight worked out pretty well for DC.

      But that's just Christopher Nolan doing being Christopher Nolan.

    3. Bluewolf


      People don't understand how movies work. You want extensive character development? You'd need AT LEAST 2 movies for the entire cast of Suicide Squad. No one understand that you can't have character development, a bunch of action AND fanservice all in one 2 hour movie.

    4. Shamitako


      Well yeah, The Dark Knight Trilogy was good

      Also yes, you can't develop everyone, this is very true

      The bigger the cast the more you have to pick and choose. Everyone seems to want every character to get a full story arc in everything

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