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Cool Girl

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86 Samaritan

About Cool Girl

  • Birthday 06/19/1999

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    Cool Girl
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  • Location
    Sunnyvale, CA
  • Interests
    Anime, Playing video games, Journalism, Writing, Voice Acting and Acting!

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    Cool Girl#6637
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  1. "There is no such thing as failure in life. You either succeed or you learn" - My Parents

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maelstrom


      Eh, there's something to that, in a manner of speaking.

    3. Ironbound


      It is true, in some sense; there's no permanent failure in life. Because once a truly permanent failure happens, there is no longer any life. That should be borne in mind, since the attitude of failures being okay or excusable "in the long run" is not to be encouraged as one progresses in life. It engenders complacency, which is to be avoided.

      And on that note, it is a common misconception that success does not imply learning, and that one learns only from a fall. One l...

    4. Ironbound


      ...one learns from falls, yes, but one learns more from success, and it is an unforgiving attitude towards failing that breeds such desire to learn.

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