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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. Um, I would like to know what I look like
  2. Could you be more specific with your suggestion, please? Like, what team members should I replace? And if I should replace them, then which pokémon should I put instead and what should their movesets be? Also, put it in this format: Rotom-Fan @ Choice Scarf Ability: Levitate EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk / 30 SpA - Volt Switch - Thunderbolt - Air Slash - Hidden Power [Grass]
  3. After testing this team, it keeps losing, but I can't quite put my finger on it. This is a team centered around Mega Audino. Anyway, here's the team, guys! AT A GLANCE ANALYSIS So, I wanted to build a team centered around Mega Audino because I heard Audino is a good pokémon and has amazing defenses. So, I went with a defensive moveset (look at the team if you want to see the moveset) Also gave it wish and heal bell so that I don't have to worry about health and status infliction. So, to sum it up, Calm Mind + Draining Kiss + Wish + Heal Bell, makes it a very defensive pokémon So, obviously the first member I added is Audino Then, I knew I needed a stealth rocker, so who better to do the job than Claydol right? Claydol can also learn Reflect/Light Screen, which makes it even better because not only can it set up hazards, but by setting up Reflect/Light Screen at the beginning of the game, it will make the rest of my team take less damage than they would have. It can also learn Stealth Rock and Rapid Spin. So, Claydol does the job well of setting up hazards and getting rid of hazards So, I wanted to give Kecleon a shot, to see if it's a really bad pokémon. I also needed a physical hitter on the team and it can also be used has a priority pokémon since I gave it Sucker Punch, so yeah. Now, I wanted a special attacker on the team. Also, since Mega Audino is a fairy-type, I needed a pokémon that can cover its poison weakness, so I went with the Psychic type pokémon Beheeyem. Put some special moves + Choice Specs, it's killer! So, I also wanted to give Rotom Fan a shot 'cause I was curious. I've noticed that I don't have a move that counters against Water/Ground types, so I gave it Hidden Power [Grass]. Rotom + Choice Scarf makes it a really strong special attacker, so Choice Scarf + Hidden Power [Grass] will KO any Water/Ground type pokémon Since I wanted Claydol to last longer throughout the battle and Claydol is weak to Grass, I went with the Fire type Magmortar. Not only it has Fire Blast, but I also gave it Hidden Power [Grass] so that it can deal with the Water/Ground types in case Rotom Fan faints. Also gave it its usual moves like Earthquake and Thunderbolt. Choice Specs + Earthquake/Fire Blast/Hidden Power [Grass]/Thunderbolt is guaranteed to hit any pokémon really hard. By that, I mean the opponent's pokémon will take a lot of damage. THE TEAM Audino @ Audinite Ability: Regenerator EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe Bold Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Draining Kiss - Wish - Heal Bell - Calm Mind Claydol @ Light Clay Ability: Levitate EVs: 208 HP / 252 SpD / 48 Spe Calm Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Rapid Spin - Reflect - Light Screen - Stealth Rock Kecleon @ Assault Vest Ability: Protean EVs: 240 HP / 252 Atk / 16 Spe Adamant Nature - Shadow Sneak - Power-Up Punch - Sucker Punch - Drain Punch Beheeyem @ Choice Specs Ability: Analytic EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA Quiet Nature IVs: 0 Spe - Psyshock - Shadow Ball - Dark Pulse - Thunderbolt Rotom-Fan @ Choice Scarf Ability: Levitate EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk / 30 SpA - Volt Switch - Thunderbolt - Air Slash - Hidden Power [Grass] Magmortar @ Choice Specs Ability: Vital Spirit EVs: 64 HP / 252 SpA / 192 Spe Modest Nature - Fire Blast - Thunderbolt - Hidden Power [Grass] - Earthquake Copy-Paste Team Any suggestions to the team would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for reading this guys and let me know what you guys thought of this team walkthrough!
  4. 6/10 Had it for a while. Why not change it?
  5. For the Redemption League, the shinies that they use. Are they from Reborn?

  6. For the Redemption League, the shinies that they use. Are they from Reborn?

  7. Hey guys! A friend of mine really needs help on this, so would be great if you can vote and give your input on it: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=21073

  8. Hello and Welcome to Reborn! Hope you enjoy your stay! So glad to see you're a part of the community! I mean, we've talked a few times on main Showdown, but trust me, you'll love it here, trust me! Like Honchy said, don't be afraid to ask for help. There are people here who will be more than happy to help you! (Including me, who is already helping you with organizing your game and all that)
  9. For me, it really depends on the pokémon, but I think I try to go for a Jolly or Adamant Nature.
  10. Glad that you're member of this community, Inno!
  11. Um, could you clarify the question please? What would be your ideal Redemption Team?
  12. Is there a thread of the custom shines for Reborn?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Amethyst


      Pretty sure there's a shiny dex project if you look a couple pages back in Reborn City. Might be incomplete.

    3. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Is that so. Where is it then?

    4. Combat


      It's really easy just go into the graphics folder, so I'd suggest that.

  13. Another way to defeat Charlotte is to have Gothitelle and Crustle. You can find a Gothita in the Beryl Mansion and you can find Crustle near the Circus. Have Gothitelle learn Trick Room and Crustle learn Rock Slide. Trick Room + Rock Slide sweeps most of her team. I hope I helped
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