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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee Are you happy that school is over?
  2. Thank you. These images are awesome!
  3. Hello and welcome to Reborn! Hope you enjoy your stay! We also have a Showdown server if you would like to do Pokémon battles! I also really like hip-hop music. My favorite hip-hop artists are Eminem, Drake, Nicki Minaj, Iggy Azalea, Missy Elliot, and LL Cool J. If you want to talk about hip-hop, please feel free to PM any of us! Hope we get to know each other!
  4. Well, I'm not sure if I really have any preference, but I like girls who fight, are cool, and cute, I guess. You can also take from your random box too!
  5. Ohh, I actually get dairy free pizza, 'cause I'm dairy free. However, that being said, my favorite kind of pizza is bbq chicken. What's your favorite movie?
  6. Ok. Ready for a new avatar please.
  7. My favorite types are Fire, Fairy, Dragon, Ice, and Dark. I could go all day about why, but I want to let other people talk, so yeah....
  8. No. Toast is for breakfast. Do you hate losing?
  9. No What do you of PokéNation so far?
  10. Oh my gosh! You guys have to listen to this song! It is so beautiful that I almost cried!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SpartaLazor


      You're right! I really liked it... I'm always a sucker for songs like that.

    3. Commander


      (Salutes) Xenoblade Chronicles, you were the best damn 50 bucks I spent on a game.

    4. AeroWraith


      It's a beautiful song

  11. Oh my gosh! This song is so beautiful! I think I'm about to cry! ;~;
  12. Torterra is a better pokémon than Meganium
  13. Thank you for your suggestions! I have added them!
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