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Cool Girl

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. Kinda of. Might have heard of him somewhere. What's your favorite anime character?
  2. I was pretty sad that Kiki died. What's the worst thing you've ever eaten?
  3. Hey guys! Please vote in both of these polls. It will really help me: http://www.strawpoll.me/10401512 http://www.poll-maker.com/#QP712123x9c288071-29

    1. pyrromanis


      In RU Mega Glalie is good, but its only nice is hazzards and eplosion. Use Camerupt only in TR teams. I voted for Banette cause I have used it, although Steelix is also good!

    2. pyrromanis


      In OU it all depends on what team you want to build. HO, stall, balanced, volt-turn etc.

    3. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Well, I like to build any OU team. So, I just want to know from you guys which mega you would build your OU team around. So far, I already built my OU team using Mega Lopunny, Diancie, and Alakazam. So, hopefully that will make your vote easier.

  4. Probably Julia Who's your favorite character in Reborn?
  5. Added Added Also, I don't add anime recommendations, since there's already a thread for that Thank you. I have added the category Supernatural. Also, your suggestions have been added
  6. Since this is a science thread. Is it possible to ask for help on science homework?
  7. Hey Govictory! Welcome to Reborn! Hope you enjoy your stay! We also have a Showdown server where you can do pokémon battles! Hope we get to know each other!
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