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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. So, came back from my school trip which was backpacking. During that time, I got to taste a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for the first time! Also, my friend cut my hair with a pocket knife! Let me know what you guys think of this! http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=90&page=175

  2. So, while on my school trip, which was backpacking, I asked my friend to cut my hair, so here are the results of that. Also, she cut my hair with a pocket knife!
  3. So, we now decided that here on Reborn, we will have a day called Ark Day! Starting from now, it will be May 30th of every year!

    1. Shing


      NOAH'S ARK

    2. TRHStatement
    3. RainbowHugs


      ... Hm...? Not even gonna question it...

  4. Ahhh so you're also a writer! I'm also writing a novel and I can relate to your character 'cause that's also how she feels. If you want, I can send you the novel I'm writing. If you read it, maybe it'll help you with your character. Let me know if you're interested! Also, I wish the best of luck to you!
  5. Sometimes, I used to carry a pendant around my neck. It has a picture of me and my friend when we were friends. Why do I carry it? When I was nine, my friend got hit by a drunk driver and died. Ever since that day, I carry that pendant. However, I stopped carrying it 'cause it would 'cause me pain. I would blame myself for her death and well....I hope this doesn't sound harsh, but I wanted to let go, so I stopped carrying it, but she'll always be in my memory and in my heart...She was the only friend I had, 'cause everybody else at school would bully. She taught me that not everybody is a bad person...so I'm always grateful for her. Emilia, you'll always be in my heart! ;~; R.I.P Emilia! ;~;
  6. Oh oops sorry! I didn't even know! xD
  7. Hmm, I'm gonna guess that Viri will post next
  8. I really like Street Fighter! Such a great game! <3 Can't wait for the new one to come out! <3
  9. Man, I love the new sprite! <3 Keep up the great work, Jan! <3
  10. Man, Spotify is soooo awesome and soo good! So much better than buying songs on iTunes. Now, I don't have to pay for music! <3

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      Is... Is this an ad?

    2. Combat


      Wait, you actually paid for music at one time? Or is this an ad of some sort?

    3. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Yeah, I actually paid for music at one time. And no, this is not an ad of some sort. This is just me saying how awesome Spotify is! :D

  11. Man, OneRepublic's new song is sooooooo awesome and soooooo good!
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