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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. I would want to be a champion, gym leader, trainer, boss villain, or a villain executive. Any of those would be fine.
  2. So, I watched Tokyo Ghoul and I really enjoyed it. However, I'm still left with many questions. I'm quite aware that season 3 is on its way, but I still have many question. I'm also doing this thread to open up discussion on the anime. That being said, here's my opinion of Tokyo Ghoul. I really enjoyed the anime, both season 1 and season 2. However, like I said, I still have many questions, so here goes. 1) Did Touka re-open Anteiku? 2) What happens to Amon? Is he dead? 3) What happens to Kaneki? Did he come back to school? 4) Did the Owl die? I hope you also enjoyed the anime and I hope to open up discussion on the anime! Thank you!
  3. Man, bummed that we lost. So, let's keep practicing and becoming stronger. Let's beat Atlantis! Go Ravenholts!
  4. Gothitelle for S Rank + Available in the mansion when you travel back in time. It is available as Gothita + It has very high defenses, so it can take hits + Learns Physics and some other great moves - Takes a while to evolve Houndoom for A+ Rank + Available in Gang Sidequest (Gearen City) + Has great moves that it learns such as Flamethrower + Has great speed - Mega Evolution not available yet - Can't take hits. It's really weak to Water and Fighting
  5. My favorite animal is the American Eagle. What's your favorite sport?
  6. 8/10 Love Tokyo Ghoul! Such a good anime!
  7. Thank you Jericho for this awesome hip hop song!
  8. Andrew Johnson is considered as one of the worst US presidents in US history. He swore the oath while being drunk!
  9. 7/10 Nice but you've been having it for a while. No offense.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      xD *Cool Girl is laughing*

    3. Cyanna Cyril

      Cyanna Cyril

      Hot Chocolate is best coffee.

    4. RainbowHugs


      I personally prefer a nice bit of Tea, but coffee is okay

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