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Cool Girl

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. Dogs are really distracting because they're cute! What do you do when you're bored?
  2. Hello and welcome to Reborn! Hope you enjoy your stay! We also have a Showdown server where you can do pokémon battles! I hope to see more of your artwork! Hope we get to know each other!
  3. I never had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich before! Is that shocking?

    1. Tacos


      They're honestly not that good.

    2. AeroWraith


      I've had them for lunch for the majority of my childhood XD

    3. Flux


      They're better without the peanut butter. Too sticky.

  4. This is a pretty hard question to answer. Hmmm.... I'm proud that I'm a national level martial artist. I'm proud that I'm on my high school's basketball team. I'm proud that I can have a lot of imagination, which then leads me to write lots of stories that I'm really passionate about. I'm proud that I have a diverse curriculum at my high school, where they make you take all the electives you take in a public school in four years of high school. I know, it's intense, but I'm really grateful for a amazing education. I'm also really proud that I love anime, manga, and video games. I'm proud that I've been introduced to Pokémon because now I love it. Um, I guess that's all I can think of for now. I'll add more here if I think of anything.
  5. I agree with Ame. Why would you work on something when you don't have the passion for it? It's the same thing for me when I'm writing stories. If I didn't have any ideas or wasn't passionate about the project, I wouldn't work on it anymore. Instead, I would wait 'till I feel like working on it again.
  6. Yeah, that didn't work. Anything else? EDT: I figured out the problem. It has to end in .png, .jpg or .gif
  7. So, I tried to post an image on my signature and I used imgur as an image extension, but it says it can't post it because "you can't use that image extension in this community". What happened?
  8. I think Ame (the creator of Reborn) is just really busy. But, don't worry, it's still happening!
  9. Well, I'm a junior in high school, so I still got to go through high school. After that, I'll be doing two years of community college and then transferring for a four year major. Not sure where yet. I'm not sure what I want to do when I grow up though, but I'm sure I'll find that out someday! I am in a relationship with DW and I'm very happy! Hope that gives some insight as to what I'm doing with my life!
  10. Hi, I would like a signature for our nation. Our nation name is called "The Ravenholts". I'm not sure what description to give you, but yeah, I would like a signature, please.
  11. I have many favorite songs, but one of them is Hollaback Girl by Gwen Stefani. What's your favorite anime?
  12. Hello and Welcome to Reborn! Hope you enjoy your stay! You seem to be into writing! If that's the case, we have a writing showcase thread if you're interested in looking at other people's work and writing your own work! Anyways, enjoy your stay!
  13. If I could go to sleep and wake up again in 100 years unaged, I would want to be act like a kid again. What genre of music do you like?
  14. Happy Birthday Dan! Hope you continue your amazing job!
  15. Don't have one. I'm scared of bugs. Are you more on your phone or your laptop?
  16. Looks really cool, but I'll wait for a longer release
  17. If I could take charge of the country, I would, however, if I can't I would leave (If Donald Trump is president, I swear to god I will move out of the US) What's your dream job?
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