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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. Check the crazy story I said on Reborn Showdown. Trust me, it's worth your time: http://reborn.psim.us

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Yeah, but I was really scared!

    3. AeroWraith


      I would be too. I'm not sure what I would've done if I was in your shoes.

    4. RainbowHugs


      I am unsure of what went on, but I am concerned, what happened?

  2. Ok, thank you for explaining compound interests. I still don't get annuities though. Also, could someone explain to me combinations and permutations?
  3. Hey guys, So I need help doing these problems. These problems are pre-calculus (involves Annuities, Compound Interest, and Salaries) Could someone help me? 1) A principal of $2500 is invested at 8% interest. Find the amount after 20 years if the interest is compounded a) annually, semiannually, c) quarterly, d) monthly, and e) daily 2) A deposit of $100 is made at the beginning of each month in an account that pays 6%, compounded monthly. The balance A in the account at the end of 5 years is A = 100(1 + 0.06/12)1+ . . . + 100(1+0.06/12)60 Find A. 3) Consider an initial deposit of P dollars in an account earning an annual interest rate r, compounded monthly. At the end of each month, a withdrawal of W dollars will occur and the account will be depleted in t years. The amount of the initial deposit required is P = W(1 + r/12)-1 + W(1 + r/12)-2 + . . . + W(1 + r/12)-12t Show that the initial deposit is P = W(12/r)[1-(1 + r/12)-12t] 4) Determine the amount required in a retirement account for an individual who retires at age 65 and wants an income of $2000 from the account each month for 20 years. Use the result of the previous problem and assume that the account earns 9% compounded monthly. 5) An investment firm has a job opening with a salary of $30,000 for the first year. Suppose that during the next 39 years, there is a 5% raise each year. Find the total compensation over the 40-year period. Any help on these problems would be greatly appreciated. Yeah, I suck at math problems.
  4. I don't know how to "zoom" it. I tried adjusting the crop, but that's about it. If you know how, then please tell me.
  5. That would make a nice meme! xD
  6. Someone petition to Ame for a Reborn Chef (the one that makes food for people) #RebornChef

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. pbood2


      online food for the win. ;D

    3. Sheep


      Just so long as there's not lamb or mutton. :/

    4. RainbowHugs


      I don't mean to shoot down your fun, but how would it work...? Eh who am I to destroy fun, I will have a glass of Lemon Lime and Bitters with my salad, please

  7. Why is high school so crazy?! Ceramics teacher comes in class apologizing 'cause she said she broke our sculptures. Then, a student thinks it would be cool to take the music teacher's car for a joyride and crashes it against a pole! Why is high school soon crazy! (I just want my school life to be normal!)

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    2. Hiss13


      Seeing these high school horror stories makes me wonder...how the hell did I have such a normal high school life...?

    3. BIGJRA


      mine's relatively normal, i mean the most 'wild' thing I've done in the past 30 days is pull up to Taco Bell at 2AM with squad and order 5 quesaritos and 5 monster freezes

    4. Cool Girl
  8. Hey Coderis and welcome to Reborn. We hope you enjoy your stay! Hope we get to know each other!
  9. @ Viridescent: Thank you! @Dobby The Elf: The emotional topics that I post are not to get attention at all! The emotional topics are things that I'm going through and I just need advice and I always appreciate it. Reborn has always been like a family to me!
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