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Cool Girl

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. Woah! If it is a Dimensional Rift Regice, then it's going to be a tough battle! Ay, ay, ay!
  2. I just finished playing V7 of Rejuvenation! Can't wait for V8! Although, I wonder who Angie's "darling pet" is? Any ideas?
  3. I just finished playing Rejuvenation! Can't wait for V8!

    1. RainbowHugs


      Nice, I just started, its a fantastic game, so far

  4. I know what you're saying. I looked at your profile and I'm around the same age as you are. I'm also straight and dating a girl (if you want me to tell you who I'm dating 'cause you think it might help you with your issue, feel free to shoot me a PM). So, as someone who is in kinda of the same situation as you, just go for it, man! You got nothing to lose!
  5. 5/10 Seen it too much. Would like a change.
  6. Will there still be the old Mega Blaziken sprite that's in X/Y or will that be the official Reborn Mega Blaziken sprite and that's it? Otherwise, they're looking good.
  7. Floatzel for B+ Rank + Available at Oceana Pier + Is one of the fastest Water-type Pokémon obtainable in-game + Learns some really good moves as it levels up + Swift Swim is a nice ability to have. The rain will increase its speed, which will make it hit harder + If you're looking for a Water-type on your team, Floatzel is the pokémon to have - Can't really take hits - Waterfall not obtainable yet - One of its really strong moves, Aqua Tail, will miss a lot
  8. So, after the whole Garbodor event, I'm going to pick up the diary in Kugarama something city on Dimensional Rifts and how to stop them. That being said, after the Garbodor event, will it affect any other events that are going to happen in the game?
  9. Sadly, I don't think you can get an Ability Capsule this early. I think the earliest you can get an Ability Capsule is on Route 3.
  10. Actually now, I've beaten Amber. My Torterra had Earthquake, so yeah. However now, I'm trying to figure out a moveset for my Gothitelle. You check the following thread if you're interested: Good moveset for Gothitelle.
  11. I have Torterra, Exploud, Mawile, and Floatzel on my team. So, what should I replace?
  12. Oh, right I forgot to put the nature. It's modest. Check the original post.
  13. So, I have a Gothic and I'm trying to think of it's ideal moveset when it evolves into Gothitelle. Here's the information needed. Gothitelle @ Choice Specs/Leftovers Ability: Frisk / Competitive / Shadow Tag Modest Nature Moves: Psychic Thunderbolt Calm Mind Shadow Ball / Dark Pulse Let me know what you guys think of this!
  14. Sorry, but I still don't get it. What do you mean beginning of V7 plot?
  15. Anybody knows where you can find a Quick Claw in Rejuvenation?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fumble


      t'was axed from gearen, I don't remember who gives it in v7 tbh

    3. Combat


      Did it have anything to do with the Orphanage quest?

    4. Zargerth


      I think it was someone in a school in the new area iirc.

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