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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. So, one day, I was searching through my stuff and found my mini windows laptop from a couple of years ago. I'm trying to get it to work, so I can use RPG Maker XP on it instead of using my mac. So, I turned it on and it opened and then did this beep sound and turned off, so I turned it on again. Nothing. Also, I tried charging it, waiting, and then turning it on. Still nothing. However, I do see a small blue light, but that's about it. It won't turn on. If anybody knows how to fix this problem, let me know.
  2. Can someone find me a "Cool Girl" (Get it?)
  3. Ok, thanks. The reason I asked is because I'm trying to install RPG Maker XP on mac.
  4. I also know what it's like to not fit in. I was bullied since first grade and it stopped when I was in eight grade (I'm now a junior in high school). Once I got to high school, things got better, I'm still struggling, but things are better. So, I believe things will get better for you too. If you need to talk to someone, we're there for you!
  5. First off, I applaud you for your courage to share this with you. Like you, I have struggled with something and I posted it in Reborn and had many support. This is the thread if you want to read about it: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=20125 If you need anybody to talk to, let me know! I'm there for you! Not just me, but I think we all are!
  6. Ok, that's good to hear. I'm glad I could help.
  7. Haha you're welcome. So, did he say he would help you?
  8. Ok, never mind, I think it's fixed. Thanks for your help, Rose! EDIT: I got a new problem. Here's what someone told me about my computer firewall via PM umm, i'm pretty sure your computers firewall isn't letting it fully activate on your computer, I don't know how to change firewall settings on a mac, but if you do then that's your answer. So, how do I enable my firewall on mac? (If you can do visual photos on how to do it, that'd be great, otherwise, it's fine)
  9. Yeah, it says this You can upload up to Uploading is not allowed of files (Max. single file size: 2MB) it also says upload failed.
  10. Ok, let me refer you to him and see if he can help you. He's also helping two other people, I believe, including me, but yeah. EDIT: Okay, I talked to him and hopefully he'll send you a PM about the details
  11. Hey, guys, I'm trying to upload an image, but it says that upload failed. I don't understand why. Can someone explain to me why and how do I fix this?
  12. Ask a guy by the username of SonOfRed, he's willing to help anybody who needs help. I can give you his info, if you want.
  13. Dude! Hope someday you'll continue the game 'cause the intro is awesome!
  14. Question: Do you think you'll get back to making that game you're working on.
  15. Hello Aureate and welcome to Reborn! Good to see another European! I'm from France! We also have a battle server where you can do battle if you want to! Hope we get to know each other! To answer your question, this thread should help: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=20036 I also asked the same question, too, so I hope this helps!
  16. Yeah, that helped, thanks guys! Which move do you suggest replacing: Aqua Jet or Waterfall?
  17. Yep, welcome to the community! And your awesome skills is why I got you to help me! Speaking of which, did you read the script for the storyline and how are those sprites coming along? (Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this!)
  18. Actually, I think Ice Fang is only available as a breeding move. What other Ice move should I replace it with. Also, what fighting move should I incorporate in it and what should I replace it with?
  19. So, I'm about to get a Buizel, and I'm thinking of its ideal moveset once it evolves into Floatzel. So, here's the information needed. Floatzel @ Leftovers/Choice Band/Life Orb Jolly Nature Ability: Water Veil/Swift Swim Moves: Waterfall Aqua Jet Ice Fang/Ice Punch/Ice Beam Brick Break/Crunch/Return Let me know what you guys think of this!
  20. Ok, thanks. You know, for a minute, I thought you made this game haha...
  21. Hmm, this is an interesting game. Maybe I'll play it. Do you know where the second demo goes up to? And I wouldn't worry about the whole language thing, I speak Spanish, so I understand what they're saying.
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