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Cool Girl

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. I think that's totally fine, you can replace the proteins with vegetables! I've tasted many curries in which they replace the protein with tofu or just add vegetables and it's still delicious!
  2. Yeah, I celebrate Easter. I celebrate it the traditional way, I guess... Hide some Easter Eggs outside and you have to find them, yeah, that's me. Would you rather eat onion rings (which are my favorite) or sweet potato fries?
  3. #nightcorerocks #nightcore #Allhailnightcore
  4. Thanks Inno for introducing me this awesome track!
  5. Cool Girl


    Hello and welcome to Reborn! Hope you enjoy your stay! Also, we have a Reborn server if you want to do battles, so please feel free to check that out! Hope we get to know each other!
  6. Hello, Andrew and welcome to Reborn! Hope we get to know each other! We also have Reborn server where you can do battles, so please feel free to join when you want to!
  7. Is it bad to aim for perfection?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. SonOfRed


      my dad used to always tell me. Perfect will do until we can do better.

    3. Etesian


      If you're trying for perfection and end up with excellence, you'll still be disappointed. See what you can do, try to do as well as YOU can.

    4. RainbowHugs


      Aim for your personal best, because if you do the best you yourself can possibly do, that is perfection.

  8. Hum, wait... Your Location... Do you try to fool me? Answer to your question: No, I'm not trying to fool you. J'ai déménagé aux États-Unis quad j'avail six ans. J'habite en Californie maintenant! Mais, je suis née à Paris et j'ai vécu là-bas pendant six ans!
  9. Oh! Enchanté! C'est génial de rencontrer un français. Moi aussi, je suis française. Ouais, Reborn est génial! J'espère on va se connaitre plus!
  10. I mean, I can wait, I mean, there are other fan-games to play here (like Rejuvenation and can't for Xenogene by Zumi).
  11. You can solve systems of equations with three/multiple variables.
  12. Does anybody use RPG Maker XP on Mac? If so, please please send me a PM. I'm having a hard time installing it on my Mac.

  13. Alright, I'll be posting the recipe on Post #1 for those of you who want it.
  14. Could somebody please be my personal coach in competitive battling? (teach me everything I need to know about it and how to make a great team!) If you're interested please PM me!

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