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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. Ok, I'll post it when I got time. It's just that, today and tomorrow, I'm on crunch time because I have a martial arts competition to prepare (I have to work out with my team for possibly the whole day and tomorrow, I have to compete), but I promise I'll post it when I have time!
  2. I'm sorry to hear this happened to you. As a national level martial artist, I was always taught by my sensei "When your enemy admits defeat, don't beat him/her up any further." I mean, it's just like at a competition. When my opponent is defeated, I don't come up and beat them up further. And I agree with @Viridescent, victory should be merciful.
  3. Oh, so you want me to PM you the recipe?
  4. Signing out for possibly two days! Gotta work out tomorrow with my martial arts team for a martial arts tournament on Sunday! Man, this is going to be exhausting!

  5. Hmm, I think I'm really dying to go to Japan and train in the world's biggest and strongest dojo, The Kodokan, but I heard training is really tough and I also want to stay on the move.
  6. Hmm, I'm thinking any kind of books that come to my mind. Also, maybe instead of international martial artist, how about competing in the Olympics. (Also, if you're reading, I did kick those little perverts's a****, just like you told me!
  7. Hmm, I have many hopes and dreams. Well, I hope that I could go from national to international martial artist and maybe travel the world, write a few books, make a few Pokémon games. I guess that would be my hopes for me. (For now, that is)
  8. So, I cooked for my parents for the very first time a while back. I'm 16 and I've never cooked at all! So, I make green pork coconut curry with rice and potstickers (I wish I could post pictures, but my laptop won't let me, I'll figure something out!) And I will say this, best experience I've ever done! I mean, I never cooked chicken or pork in my life and somehow I managed to cook it! Hell, I never even cooked rice before! So yeah, my point is, JUST DO IT! (Shia Labeouf, you're welcome guys!) Even if you feel like you can't cook, just give it a shot! Green Curry Pork with Thai Eggplants - 1 lb of pork (any protein is fine) - 1 can of unsweetened coconut milk (I recommend the brand "Chaokoh") - 2-4 Tbs. of green curry paste - 1/2 lb. of Thai Eggplants, cut in halves or quarters - 1/2 cup shelled fresh peas - 2 kaffir lime leaves - Fish sauce (the only reason you might need fish sauce is because some brands of curry paste are not salted) - 1-2 tsp. of palm or coconut sugar - 1/2 - 1 cup of fresh Thai basil leaves - Silvered chilies (optional) 1) Heat the coconut milk in a pan from medium to high heat. Once you see the oil beginning to separate, add the curry paste 2) Bring to a boil and add the pork 3) Simmer for five minutes before adding the eggplants. Simmer a few minutes and then add the peas and the kaffir lime leaves. 4) Season with fish sauce (if needed) 5) Add palm sugar/coconut sugar 6) Continue to simmer until the eggplants and peas are tender 7) Stir in the basil and chillies (if you want) and cook for another 1-2 minutes. Serve it with fluffy steamed rice (or any rice, if ya want) Potstickers - Pre-packed potsticker wrappers - 3/4 lb. of chicken, grounded (I cooked the chicken and then put it in the blender. Also, you can use any proteins if you want or no protein at all. This dish can be vegetarian. What I'm giving you is the recipe for the filling of the potsticker so you can do any filling you want) - 1 slice of ginger - 1 slice of garlic - Some cabbage (can't remember how much, but I think proportional to the chicken) So, this is easy, you make the filling. Then, add warm water on the side of the potstickers, but before you do that, put a spoonful of filling in the middle of your potsticker wrapper and then glue them together in a potsticker shape (look it up online. There are plenty of tutorials on how to make a potsticker shape) Also, make sure to put flour on the table so that the potstickers don't stick. Heat oil on a pan. Put the potsticker in the pan. After you see a brown color on one side of the potsticker while they're cooking, add water (while they're cooking in the pan!) to the level of the potstickers and cover. The potstickers are fully cooked once all the water evaporated Also, to find these ingredients, go to a Asian store. And that, my friends, is my recipe!
  9. Well, when I was creating my account, I was thinking of a name. And, then I thought about my personality: "Well, I like being cool and cute!" I thought to myself. And, boom, Cool Girl I came up with because I'm cool and well, I guess girls can be cute and tough too, so yeah!
  10. Anybody wanna suggest an avatar to me? I already used most of the suggested avatars.
  11. Song that describes me:

    (Cool Girl, get it?)
  12. I found Reborn during Episode 15!
  13. Hey there! Welcome to Reborn! Hope ya enjoy your stay! (I also really like cats. I have two of my own!)
  14. Yeah, that's what I did. I talked to the school counselor and I felt so much better!
  15. OMG! Danger! This song would be perfect for the intro when we animate the reborn series!
  16. 4/10 Don't really like things that move as an avatar picture.
  17. Glad you're liking the game so far. Trust me, the more you play, the more it gets interesting!
  18. It was lunch time at my school, and then, we smell smoke and the fire alarm goes off! Everybody freakin' out, including me. Firefighters and cops came! We were really lucky, the only thing that was on fire is the microwave. And you won't believe how it started: The freshman boys put pencils in the microwave and then, they got suspended for a whole week!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Skullkin


      their bossoms were practically falling out of their blouses. It was gross.

    3. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      I have a girl in my class who always wear midriffs but yeah it doesn't happen very often in my school because we have a strict dress code!

    4. Spineblade


      I had a fire alarm at my school on Tuesday. But it was just a drill. It also happened that it went off during a free period...

  19. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  20. I used to do a lot of Youtube, watch a lot of anime. Now, I just play pokémon fan made games/rom hacks and hang out with you guys!
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